

Today’s speech is a talk from ラジオ英会話.Topic is causative verb let, predicate verb whose object is past particle, predicate verb whose object is to-infinitive, that clause.First story is Roxy and her father are talking about the Super …


Today’s speech is a talk from ラジオ英会話.Topic is basic sentence pattern. predicate verb whose object is gerund, verbs of perception, causative verb make, causative verb have. two colleagues are talking about the place to brush teeth. a …


Today’s speech is a talk from ラジオ英会話. Topic is subject using to-infinitive(gerund), that clause, interrogative, predicate verb whose object is to-infinitive. Story is two persons are talking about singing. a Hey, Fiona, How come you'…


Today’s lesson is the text book, 'Touchstone' unit10 'Communication',' Keeping in touch','reading' ' Why all the interest in texting?' Q1 Why all the interest in texting? 携帯メールにおおいに関心がもたれる理由とは? Q2 Many people are slee…


Today’s speech is a talk from ラジオ英会話. Topic is basic sentence pattern. explanation clause. overlapping change ,overlapping go come, awarded verb. First story is Mission control and probe are talking about probe's problem. a Houston, …


Today’s lesson is the text book, 'Touchstone' unit10 'Communication','Dealing with interruptions'. Q1 What kinds of things can interrupt phone conversations? A1 You have another call, are breaking up, get got off, need your charger. Adding…


携帯メールについて興味深い記事が英語学習の教材にあったので拙訳ですが載せます。 携帯メールを打つことへおおいに関心がもたれる理由とは?最近インターネットのある記事に目がとまった。それはニューヨーク州の携帯メール文字打ちの優勝者についてのもの…


Today’s speech is a talk from ラジオ英会話. Topic is basic sentence pattern, explanation clause. (説明型) be-verb, preposition, to-infinitive, that if whether clause. first story is two persons are talking one's job. a Hi, my name is Theo.…


Today’s speech is a talk from ラジオ英会話. Topic is transitive verb, intransitive berb, a word of placement. first story is two persons are talking their sons. a The race is about to start, Riko. Is that your son in the purple jersey? b Y…

carp streamers

My grand daughter's nursery school holds the Children 's Day Festival at the CubicPlaza in the Shinyokohama Station Building.


Today’s lesson is the text book, 'Touchstone' unit10 'Communication',' Keeping in touch','On the phone'. Q1 How do you keep in touch with friends and family? A1 I keep in touch with them by using sns and calling. Q2 Do you talk to your fam…

新聞記事「コロナ失策からの発見 崩れる民主主義の常識」

友人から朝日新聞の記事が送られてきました。 コロナ渦のこの1年間の教訓というべきものでしょうか。要旨をまとめてみると、なかなか厳しいものでした。友人と 話をしました。 民主主義国家といえども、コロナ渦の事態では行政府の指導者が素早い卓越した判…

「公益資本主義」原丈人著 文春新書

公益資本主義 原丈人その人生については非常に魅力的で破天荒で素晴らしい経歴をお持ちだ。 父親の影響を受けて鉄道模型少年となり、世界鉄道の旅をした。エルサルバドルを旅行中タスマルとサンアンドロスというインディォのマヤ文明遺跡にピラミッドがある…


Today’s speech is a talk from ラジオ英会話. Topic is words order, subtopics are auxiliary verb, negative word not, tense depends on verb form, adverb's position. Story is two colleagues are tarking about Pierre's party. a Hei, Will. Did yo…

What 's this flower?

My granddaughter gave me this. According to "google lens", it 's named for "Hananira". https://g.co/kgs/KyHbkQ


Today’s lesson is the text book, 'Touchstone' unit9 'Check point', unit10 'Keeping in touch'.1.today's chips (1)Check point I mean.. ちなみに turn around.. 振り向く Where do you think he lives? run the bath.. fill up the bath have an eye f…

Flowers in season

I've been walking along the Tsurumi River these days. What kind of flowers in season are there now? Cherry blossom? No way, new items are comming for April. I think it's an azalea. And I often find these two bulletin boards. Danger! Pedest…


Today’s lesson is the text book, 'Toutchstone' unit9 'Happy endings','Two stories'.1.Gary's and Pam's stories.(1) Gary's happy storyOne day Gary took a breakfast at a cafeteras. He found his old high school friend there. They talked so mu…


Today’s speech is a talk from ラジオ英会話. Topic is the persuasion, that is, the script to avoid the risk of the remark, to pull the remark and push it in conversation, to pull the remark and push it in discussion, remark after receiving …

For Spring anyway

After dental treatment for my granddaughter by family dentist, I took her to ”ZOORASIA” as a reward for hard work. We're surprised at this Tiger rushing for us.At the Wakuwaku Park

For Spring anyway

The withered flower..? What kind of flower is this? The otherday my granddaughter picked it up. Violet, or balloonflower? She picked it up again.


Today’s lesson is the text book, 'Toutchstone unit9' ,'That’s hilarious'.'Happy endings' 1.Strategy plus I bet. 1.guess the responses. (1)Oh, no! I bet she was embarrassed.(彼女は恥ずかしかったでしょう) (2)Oh, I bet you were not too happ…


Today’s speech is a talk from ラジオ英会話. Topic is script of conversation to make conversation flow, to draw attention to the conversation flow: take a topic including the flow of conversation of the place, to cut the conversation flow a…


Today's class is closed. Here is a talk from ラジオ英会話. Topic is script to sysmpasize, relax, praise basically, praise the nature of partner. A daughter and her father are talking about her piano concert. a Dad, I'm so embarrassed. I ma…


Today’s speech is a talk from ラジオ英会話. Topic is script to reconcile, ask about the real intention, demand the reconsideration from him, urge to decide. First stoty is Doug apologizes to Shiho. a Shiho, I want to apologize. b Doug, I t…

She was into ”こどもF1”

After dental treatment for my granddaughter by family dentist, I took her to ”KODOMO NO KUNI” as a reward for hard work. It's my first time to go there. No offense, but it seemed to be in the middle of nowhere except this great and vast am…


Today’s lesson is the text book, 'Toutchstone' unit9 'Accidents happen','That’s hilarious'. 1.practice (1) Accidents happen Q1 Who had an accident?A1 George did.Q2 What was he doing while he had accident?A2 He was talking on his cell phone…

BS1スペシャル 欲望の資本主義2021▽格差拡大 (再録)

NHK BS1 01/01 22:00 BS1スペシャル 欲望の資本主義2021▽格差拡大 社会の深部に亀裂が走る時 #nhkbs1 #BS1スペシャルを見ました。 次は番組紹介のメッセージです。 欲望の資本主義2021 「格差拡大 社会の深部に亀裂が走る時」 やめられない、止まらな…

公共資本主義 その2

「公共資本主義 その1」の記事に挙げられているハーバード大のセラフェイム教授の日本経済新聞へ寄稿の経済教室の記事を見つけました。言葉の使い方としてステークホルダーにずれがありますが、この記事ではステークホルダーが株主(stockholder)に対立す…

公共資本主義 その1

友人よりJR東海のウエッジという月刊誌に掲載された原丈人氏の公益資本主義についての記事を紹介されました。 日本は1997年ビジネスラウンジテーブルにより株式第一主義が唱えられ、2014年伊藤邦雄氏、竹中平蔵氏らのプロジェクト等が進められ、2014年経済…