
「楽しい英会話」の会の記録 (12月22日)

Today’s speech is a talk from ラジオ英会話. Topic is subjunctive mood. First story is shogiclub members are talking. a Oh, Tom. You just missed Masami and Sota. b They were here? Together? a Yes, Sota had forgotten his phone. b Did Masami …

「楽しい英会話」の会の記録 (12月15日)

Here is a talk from ラジオ英会話. Topic is auxiliary verb(will), past continuous, subjunctive present. First story is two persons are looking forward to the concert. a Gary, I've been looking forward to this concert for months. I'm so exci…

「楽しい英会話」の会の記録 (12月8日)

Today’s speech is a talk from ラジオ英会話.Topic is Perfect tense. the present perfect tense, past perfect tense, auxilialy verb perfect tense(will have, must have).First story is Roxy's family prepare for Thanksgiving party. a Oh, that tu…

「新・平家物語(1)」 吉川英治著 を読む

NHK大河ドラマ「平清盛」が彷彿と記憶に蘇ります。 平清盛(松山ケンイチ)平忠盛(中井貴一)信西(高階通憲)(阿部サダヲ)後白河上皇/法皇(松田翔太) 清盛の運命を握るキーマンが出てきますが、信西もその一人だと思います。 信西の登場

「楽しい英会話」の会の記録 (2021年12月01)

Today’s speech is a talk from ラジオ英会話. Topic is the present perfect tense. First story is Android robot Jeannie and Dr. Frank.N. Stein are talking in the park. a Jeannie, the rain is getting heavier. b It's OK, Dr. Frank.N.Stein. We h…

「楽しい英会話」の会の記録 (11月24日)

Today’s speech is a talk from ラジオ英会話.Topic is present continuous form of verb, past continuous.First story is two persons are talking about Indian food. Or the first meeting of a couple. a Hi, do you come here often? b Oh, hello. No,…

「楽しい英会話」の会の記録 (11月17日)

Today’s lesson is the text book, 'Touchstone2' unit12 'In the future'. 1. Reading (what will life be like in the future?) (1)invention virtual goggles, Alan's idea, they need not cellphone and with GPSsystem. (2)invention space elevator, A…

「楽しい英会話」の会の記録 (11月10日)

Today’s speech is a talk from ラジオ英会話. Topic is past tense,present tense. First story is Desperate Rats group members are talking about the concert in Denber. a It's good to watch videos about our past concerts. We can learn so much. …


Today’s speech is a talk from ラジオ英会話. Topic is kind of auxiliry verbs as have to, be going to, had better, be able to. First story is two students Helen and Gary are talking about her report. a Hey, Helen. Why don't you take a break …

「始まっている未来(新しい経済学は可能か)」 宇沢弘文・内橋克人著



Today’s speech is a talk from ラジオ英会話. Topic is auxiliary verb must, will,can. first story is two students are talking about student's loan. a Sejun, did you fill out the application for your student loan? b Yes, I wrote it in kanji. …

竹中平蔵 市場と権力 改革に憑かれた経済学者の肖像 佐々木 実 著 (講談社文庫)

以下は著者の佐々木実氏の「おわりに 総括」の記述です。 他人の仕事を剽窃してあたかも自分の仕事にして発表することを英語でplagiarizeと言うそうです。特に同僚の仕事やアイデアをplagiarizeすることはもってのほかだといいます。 竹中氏の初著「研究開発…

NHK放映『欲望の資本主義 特別編 「生き残るための倫理」が問われる時』 

初回放送日: 2021年9月23日世界的にデジタル化が進む中、現状の問題について様々な学者、エコノミストが提言を行っています。大局的に歴史は繰り返すといいますが、最後に締めくくられたマックスウェーバーの言葉の通り、我々が目指したい民衆資本主義への道…


Today’s lesson is the text book, 'Touchstone2' unit12 'Looking ahead’,’what’s next’,’jobs’. 1.practice (1)Looking ahead willとgoing to <today's tips> If you want to say fact, prediction, use 'will'.If you want to say decision, planning, use 'going to'. </today's>…


Here is a talk from ラジオ英会話. Topic is negative sentences. First story is two persons are talking about a concert. a Hi, Mr. Smith. How was the concert on Saturday? b It was kind of a disaster, actually. a Was the performance that bad?…


Today's speech is a talk from ラジオ英会話. Topic is adverb probably, obviously, as far as I know, not. Adverb is useful. We can express our some attitudes. first story is two persons are talking. one thinks he got dumped. a Takuma, are yo…


Today’s speech is a lesson from Text 'touch stone2'. Here is a talk from ラジオ英会話. Topic is adverb, very, just because, never, always. First story is two persons are talking about exclusive restaurant. a Hiroki, how was your date with.…


Today’s speech is a talk from ラジオ英会話. Topic is adjective. It's usually placed before a noun, 2 adjectives are connected with a conjunction 'but', the order of 2 more overlapping adjectives, making an adjective. Two persons are talkin…


Here is a talk from ラジオ英会話. Topic is relative adverb, relative clause modification, that unrestricted usage, which unrestricted usage. Two shogi club members are talking. a Sota, why the serious look? b I'm afraid I have some bad new…




Today’s speech is a talk from ラジオ英会話. Topic is relative pronoun(that, whose, with whom), relative adverb. First story is a couple is talking about a shopping. a Are you going into this shop again? This is the 5th time! b I know, but …


Today’s lesson is the text book, 'Touchstone2' unit11 ' what's his name?'. what's his name? Q1 Do you mean a goat? A1 I know. You mean a little short beard. Q2 Do you mean a wig? A2 You mean false hair. Q3 Do you mean cargo pants? A3 You m…


Today’s speech is a talk from ラジオ英会話. Topic is relative pronoun,that,who,who,which. First story is two persons are talking about a movie. a Gary, that was a wonderful movie. I really enjoyed it. b Yes, I was surprised. I don't usuall…


Today’s lesson is the text book, 'Touchstone2' unit11 ' Features'. Here is a talk from ラジオ英会話. Topic is explanation of a noun using past particle, adjective, that prase, relative pronoun. First story is Professor and student are talk…

A picture of her grandfather

A 6-year-old girl painted a picture of her grandfather.


Today’s speech is a talk from ラジオ英会話. Topic is a Explanation of a noun using preposition, to-infinitive, gerund, interrogative. First story is couple is talking about a baseball. a Caspar, can I put this baseball away? b Wait. wait! …


Today's 「楽しい英会話」の会 is rest. Here is a talk from ラジオ英会話. Topic is explanation of verb phrase using to-infinitive meaning that's cause, that's reason, from now on, difficulty. First story is a couple is talking about NewYork.…


Today’s speech is a talk from ラジオ英会話. Topic is explanation of the verb phrase using preposition'with', words'the same way', gerund, to infinitive. Two colleagues are talking about how to fix the chair. a Hi, Alana. What are you doing…


Today’s lesson is the text book, 'Touchstone2' unit11 'appearance','Family traits', ' Features'. 1. exercise (1) Family traits Q1 What does your twin sister look like? Do you look alike? Are you identical twins? A1 No we look totally diffe…


Today's '楽しい英会話の会' is rest. Here is a talk from ラジオ英会話. Topic is conditional or interrogative clause, imperative statement, imperative variation, existence there. First story is Yoshi and his trainer are talking about sit-ups…