

Today's class is free talking. Guess who I am? Guess where I live? Guess which city I live in? Guess which country I live in? By the way, I would like to speak about ラジオ英会話. Topic are countable noun, Uncountable noun Story is Farther…


Today's presentation is a talk from ラジオ英会話. Topic is adverb off, out, down and up. First story is A father and his daugter are talking about dinner. a Roxy, it's 9 o'clock. Don't you have a part-time job today? b I'm off this morning…


Today's presentation is a sad news from The Japan News. Tetsu Nakamura, a doctor and local representative of the nongovernmental organization Peshawar-kai, who was shot to death by members of an unidentified armed group last Wednesday in e…


Today's presentation is a talk from ラジオ英会話. Topic is adjective disappointed, hard, sure, ready. At first, disappointed. Story is Two person are talking about bubble tea. a What's up? b Nothing much. How about you? a Well, I just trie…


Today's presentation is the following talks. At first Hazawa Yokohama Kokudai Station opens this saturday. Last Sunday I walked to Yokohama kokudai (YNU) to listen to the Sotetsu's project, that is, the mutual direct operation to Tokyo are…

羽沢横浜国大駅開業 (15,652歩)

リハビリ兼ねてのウォーキングをしました。 行先は横国で公開講座で開業のお話を聴きました。 開業は11月30日で、相鉄に相互直通運転の大きな狙いがありました。 The new railway station, Hazawa YNU.St. opens. Last Sunday I walked to the YNU to li…


Today's presentation is a talk from ラジオ英会話. Topic is adjective smart, essential. First story is two persons are talking about visiting Kyoto. a I would like to go to Kyoto to see the autumn leaves this weekend. But I've never been th…


菅田・羽沢 西部


横国キャンパス (5,603歩)

リハビリ兼ねてのウォーキングをしました。 広くきれいな緑の多い環境でした。


Today's presentation is a talk from ラジオ英会話. Topic is adjective fine, close. First fine Story is A man carelessly forgot to inform his boss about their new schedule. a How is the project going? b So far so good. a Really? I heard that…

文明開化発祥と近代文明を感じる 関内・東側コース (10,422歩)




歴史の町 鳥山の今昔を歩く (11,816歩)

リハビリ兼ねてのウォーキングをしました。 鳥山八幡宮から将軍地蔵堂への道がわかりにくい。

綱島の旧家と緑を訪ねて (12,260歩)



Today's presentation is the following talks. At first, Last month, week last Saturday, I attended my highschool's class reunion party at a seafood bar in Odawara. There were some of 26 attendees who I've not met since we graduated from the…

昔を訪ねて日吉の裏道めぐり (13,311歩)

リハビリ兼ねてのウォーキングをしました。 日吉キャンパスは45年ぶり。当時の学食は今ほどきれいではなかったが、ラーメンが人気があって安くておいしかった。



又 葉室麟を読む

遺った言葉 「亡くなられた父上は止まぬ雨はない、と仰せられたが、止んだ雨はまた降り出しもしようし、そうでなければ作物は育たぬであろう。この世に生れて霖雨が降り続くような苦難にあうのは、人として育まれるための雨に恵まれたと思わねばなるまい」と…

松の川緑道と古刹めぐり (12,009歩)





The enthronement ceremony was held at the Seiden State hall yesterday. I saw the Emperor wearing a formal court dress, called korozen-no-goho. The atmosphere was so dignified that I was impressed with it. Any way, today's presentation is a…


思わず好奇心に駆られまとめて読んでしまった。主人公の生き方がextendというより expandに広がっていくところが面白かった。




Today's presentation is a talk from ラジオ英会話. Topic is verb, realize and understand. At first 'realize' Story is; Two persons are talking about how one started working at the company. a How did you start working at this company? b It's…


Today's presentation is the gist of my thinking of the book I was recommended , 'It’s the festival of life every day' , written by Kazutoshi Kusaba, 59 Arita pottery ceramic painter. The memorial service (funeral) is usually supposed to be…

運動会 20190928



草場一壽( 陶彩画家) 沖縄のお葬式がにぎやかだという。今の自分があるのはじぶんを産んだおかあさんのおかげ。そのおかあさんはそのまたおかあさんのおかげ。さらに~ご祖先さまのおかげ。おかげさまで今のじぶんがある。ひとはいつかは亡くなるが、故人の…


Today's presentation is a talk from ラジオ英会話. Topic is verb ask, persuade At first, ask Story is Two persons are talking about thir colleague, Nadea's farewell party. a I heard Nadea is leaving the company. That' s a big surprising. b …


Today's presentation is a talk from ラジオ英会話. Topic is an oral verb, speak, chat, say, tell. At first, speak story is 2 persons are talking about how to give a presentation. a Can you give me some advice? b Sure. What's up? a I need to…