

Today`s speech is a talk about Radio Eikaiwa. Topic is decision. A real estate agent, Barbara and her boss are talking. a So, Barbara, I understand that you have a high-potential client. b You mean Hiroki? Yes, he`s interested in buying a …


1.Today’s lesson is the text book, 'Touchstone3’ unit10, ’What`s up?’,’I was wondering..’ 2.Here is a talk from Radio Eikaiwa. Topic is estimation, issue, goal and decision. Two shogi club members, Masami and Zaytox are talking about AI. a…


Today`s speech is a talk about Radio Eikaiwa. Topic is tell a failure, communicate success, communicate difference, it`s only natural that. Casper and Alexis are talking his fifure. a Alexis, have you seen the box for my Zizilla figure? b …


SNS上で耳に残る流行語があります。 エビデンスに基づく主張.. 確固たる証拠に基づく バズる.. 話題となる もやる.. ぼかす曖昧なvague マウントをとる.. 主導権をとる 朝日新聞 12/07/2023より転載 (耕論)「エビデンス」に囲まれて 鴻巣友季子さん、七條…


1.Today’s lesson is the text book, 'Touchstone3’ unit10, ’What`s up?’,’movies’ 2.Here is a talk from Radio Eikaiwa. Topic is difficulty, ease, take precedence, priorities. Gary and Helen are talking about reading books. a Helen, are you ch…

イスラエルとハマスの戦争 宇野重規



朝日新聞にキッシンジャーさんが亡くなった記事が載っていました。彼の現実的外交について賛否両論の評価があるようです キッシンジャーさんと言えば米中外交の立役者と思っています。同じノーベル平和賞を貰ったオバマさんの理想主義とは対称的な感じがしま…