
Today’s speech is a talk from ラジオ英会話.
Topic is subject using to-infinitive(gerund), that clause, interrogative, predicate verb whose object is to-infinitive.
Story is two persons are talking about singing.
a Hey, Fiona, How come you're always singing?
b Well, I read that to sing is good for your health.
a Do yoy really believe that?
b Of course, it has some kind of chemical effect on your brain. and you feel happier.
a Mmm. I'm not convinced. Singing can't be that powerful.
b OK, How about we go to karaoke and after that you can tell me how you feel.
a Sounds good. I 'm free this Friday. And you?
b Me too.
key sentence is to sing is good for your health.
Singing can't be that powerful.
To cheat on a test is wrong.
Cheating on a test is wrong, you know!
To remain healthy is my main aim.
Swimming in the sea is very refreshing.
Playing video game for hours on end can't be good for your eyes.

Story is Tom and Masami are dating.
Shota isn't happy about it.
a Tom, did you talk to Sota today?
b I saw earlier, He looked different.
a DIdn't he? He is wearing stylish clothes today.
b Yeah, I wonder why?
a The guyes don't change their fashion for no reason. That he is hiding something is obvious.
b Dont'you think he is trying to impress someone?
a Of course, The question is, who?
b Maybe it's you.
a Me? But I'm dating you now.
b Yea, and I don't think he is happy about it.
key sentence is that he is hiding is obviois.
That I failed the test shocked me!
That we were not working soon became obvious.
That my class room teacher didn't remember my name really upset me.

Story is an android Jeanie and Doctor Frank-N-Stein are talking about Manners.
a Jeannie, you just dropped your coffee cup on the ground.
b What's wrong with that?
a That's called littering, and it's not good manners.
b Why are manners so important?
a Oh, dear. You are an android, so I need to explain these things to you.
b I'm sorry, Dr. Frank-N-Stein.
a No need to apologize. Manners are important because what you do shows people who you are.
b I understand now. I won't litter anymore.
a Thank you, Jeannie.
key sentence is manners are important because what you do shows people who you are.
What you are saying doesn't make sense.
Whether you succeed is less important than doing your best.
Why don't just ask her out is beyond me.
Go for it.

Story is Jessica and Professoer are talking about Jessica's dream.
a So, does that answer your question, Jessica?
b Yes, it does. Thank you Professor.
a My pleasure. Now I have a question for you.
b For me?
a Yes, I'm curious. When did you decide to become an anchaeologist?
b I thought I told you, but maybe you forgot.
a It's possible.
b When I was a high school student, I saw a movie about a famous anchaeologist.
a And that really inspired you?
b Absolutely. Now I want to discover something fantastic like her.
key sentence Absolutely. Now I want to discover something fantastic like her.
So, does that answer your question, Jesdica? (無生物主語)
The cloch says that we have still 10 minutes before closing time. (無生物主語)
I want to speak English fluently.
I decided to hire a personal trainer.
I promise to call you everyday whilw I 'm away.
Such verbs whose object is to-infinitive as 'want' are 'decide', 'promise', 'plan', 'hope', 'expect'.

Now karaoke has some kind of chemical effect on your brain.
It has mental effect and physical effect.
Mental effect is..
The loud voice is basis of health and adjusts autonomic nerve.
It changes quantity and ingredient of saliva
and decreases stress hormone.
Physical effect is..
Its abdominal breathing trains your trunk.
Its words and melody activates your brain.
It has the effect of losing weight.
It improves bloodstream (blood circulation) and raises immunity.