

Today’s speech is a talk from ラジオ英会話. Topic is script of conversation to criticize nonfulfillment, criticize behavoir, criticize bad manner and criticize previous custom.First story is a couple are talking about snow accident. a Hell…


Today’s lesson is the text book, 'Toutchstone' unit8 'at home',''evening routine', unit9’Things happen’. 1.practice (1)evening routines Speaking and writing Q1 What do you do as soon as you get home? A1 I wash my hands, gargle, pour hot wa…


Today’s speech is a talk from ラジオ英会話. Topic is coversation to support opinion, to reject invitation, to reject opinion and dismiss opinion. 2 colleaques are talking about a massage. a Oh, my back! b You use the computer too much. You…


Today’s lesson is the text book, 'Toutchstone' unit8 'at home','Do you have an unusual home habit','evening routine'. 1 practice (1) Do you have an unusual home habit Q1 How does Martin arrange the cans in his cupboards? A1 He sorts them b…


Today’s speech is a talk from ラジオ英会話. Today's topic is scripts of conversation to know of, to hear, to be principle, to be common sense. Two persons are talking about Professof Peackok. a Hi, Hiromi. What are you reading? b Oh, hi, P…


新年元旦はコロナにより初詣など外出はせず終日自宅ですごしました。夕方今年初めてのウォーキングでした。 夜、NHK BS1 01/01 22:00 BS1スペシャル 欲望の資本主義2021▽格差拡大 社会の深部に亀裂が走る時 #nhkbs1 #BS1スペシャル を見ました。次は…