
Today`s speech is a talk about Radio Eikaiwa. Topic report letter, adverbs that describe the speaker's attitude toward speech、prefix adverbs of degree,auxirialy verb. Rock group members, Cynthia and Ryan are talking about Cynthia`s job. a…


1.Today’s lesson is the text book, 'Touchstone3’ unit12, ’In the news’,`Local news`. Natural disaster Tips# 2.Here is a talk from Radio Eikaiwa. Topic is explanation type, awarding type, object explanation type and description of time and …




朝日新聞に記事があり再録します。 ご冥福をお祈りします。 (ひもとく)五百旗頭真の仕事 品格と責任感を持った政治学者 細谷雄一 二〇二四年三月六日、政治学者の五百旗頭真氏が永眠した。一人の政治学者の訃報(ふほう)が、これほどまでに大きく取りあげ…


Today`s speech is a talk about Radio Eikaiwa. Topic “If it's in subject position, it's the subject”, transitive verb, intransitive verb. Bob and Sally are talking about Sally`s painting. a Bob, do you remember that watercolor I painted? b …


朝日新聞に久々オーサービジットが掲載されました。(3月31日付) 転載させていただきます。 (オーサー・ビジット 作家が教室へ!)感じる心、育んで未来へ ■オーサー・ビジット 人気の本の著者が、各地の学校を訪ねて特別授業をする読書推進事業「オーサ…


卒業50周年記念行事に招待を受けて昨日入学式に参加させていただきました。伊藤塾長の温かく品位の高い式辞、新入生代表の志の高さに感動しました。 Youtube www.youtube.com


Today`s speech is a talk about Radio Eikaiwa. Topic Regain the right to speak,refuse to have a conversation,consider the feelings of others,relieve a shock. AN astronaut, Akira and a news caster,Kelly are talking. a Today we have a very sp…


1.Toda’s lesson is the text book, 'Touchstone3’ unit11, ’impressions’,`making an impression`. EL SISTEMA Tips# 2.Here is a talk from Radio Eikaiwa. Dr.Downs and Mergan are talking about an Alien,Zaytox. a Dr.Downs, how long has it been sin…


Today`s speech is a talk about Radio Eikaiwa. Topic is showing the interest興味を示す, reacting the conversation, making a agreeable responses相槌を打つ, pulling and pushing引いて押す. Roxy and Masaru are talking about a movie. a Roxy, I j…


1.Today’s lesson is the text book, 'Touchstone3’ unit11, ’impressions’,`Making an impression`. Tips# I 2.Here is a talk from Radio Eikaiwa. Topic is overwhelming, disconfort, admiration and excitment. Professor Peacock and Jessica are talk…


Today`s speech is a talk about Radio Eikaiwa. Topic is feeling of irritation, anger, tension, and frustration. Mr.Smith and Mis.Stravinskyj are talking. a Excuse me. Is this the right tram for the theater? b Yes, this one takes you there. …


----1.Today’s lesson is the text book, 'Touchstone3’ unit11, ’impressions’,`that`s must be fun`. Tips# I see..you can use ` I see`to show you understand something that you didn`t know earlier. なるほど you see..you can use `you see` to exp…


Today`s speech is a talk about Radio Eikaiwa. Topic is surprising, unbelievable. Two shogi club members,Sota and Masami are talking about alien, Zaytox. a Hi, Masami. Where`s Zaytox? b He`s taking a walk. He said he was bored. a But, what …


1.Today’s lesson is the text book, 'Touchstone3’ unit11, ’impressions’,’speculating’-`ups and downs`-`that must be fun`. Tips# somehow I can`t get myself to do.. なぜかみに入らない Tips# let me know if .. ならしらせてよ 2.Here is a talk fr…


Today`s speech is a talk about Radio Eikaiwa. Topic is love feeling, interesting feeling, indifferent feeling, happy feeling. Roxy`s parents are talking about her boyfriend. a Adam, have you noticed anything unusual about Roxy lately? b Un…


1.Today’s lesson is the text book, 'Touchstone3’ unit10, ’Review’,’Reading’ 2.Here is a talk from Radio Eikaiwa. Topic is likeness, dislikeness. Jeannie and Franky are talking. a Do you come to this park often? b I do sometimes when I need…


Today`s speech is a talk about Radio Eikaiwa. Topic is in future. David and Akari are talking. a Hi, Akari. You seem in a good mood. b Does it show? Actually, I got some good news. a What happened? b I finally won tickets to Hiroto48! a Co…


Today`s speech is a talk about Radio Eikaiwa. Topic is decision. A real estate agent, Barbara and her boss are talking. a So, Barbara, I understand that you have a high-potential client. b You mean Hiroki? Yes, he`s interested in buying a …


1.Today’s lesson is the text book, 'Touchstone3’ unit10, ’What`s up?’,’I was wondering..’ 2.Here is a talk from Radio Eikaiwa. Topic is estimation, issue, goal and decision. Two shogi club members, Masami and Zaytox are talking about AI. a…


Today`s speech is a talk about Radio Eikaiwa. Topic is tell a failure, communicate success, communicate difference, it`s only natural that. Casper and Alexis are talking his fifure. a Alexis, have you seen the box for my Zizilla figure? b …


SNS上で耳に残る流行語があります。 エビデンスに基づく主張.. 確固たる証拠に基づく バズる.. 話題となる もやる.. ぼかす曖昧なvague マウントをとる.. 主導権をとる 朝日新聞 12/07/2023より転載 (耕論)「エビデンス」に囲まれて 鴻巣友季子さん、七條…


1.Today’s lesson is the text book, 'Touchstone3’ unit10, ’What`s up?’,’movies’ 2.Here is a talk from Radio Eikaiwa. Topic is difficulty, ease, take precedence, priorities. Gary and Helen are talking about reading books. a Helen, are you ch…

イスラエルとハマスの戦争 宇野重規



朝日新聞にキッシンジャーさんが亡くなった記事が載っていました。彼の現実的外交について賛否両論の評価があるようです キッシンジャーさんと言えば米中外交の立役者と思っています。同じノーベル平和賞を貰ったオバマさんの理想主義とは対称的な感じがしま…


Here is a talk about Radio Eikaiwa. Topic is it seems that, let`s play it safe, the important thing is to do, it`s not a big deal. Ms.Kizawa and Casper are talking about his figure. a Oh, hello. Welcome back. It has been a while. b Hi, Ms.…


Today`s speech is a talk about Radio Eikaiwa. Topic is unlikely, impossible, right, mistake. Roxy and her father are talking about her part-time job. a Hey, Roxy, how`s the job hunting going? b Hi, Dad. Let me just finish typing this. a Oh…


Today`s speech is a talk about Radio Eikaiwa. Topic is knowlege. Bob and sally are talking about Matisse. a Sally, look, they have a famous painting here. b I can`t believe I am looking at this painting by Matisse with my own eyes! a Oh, y…


1.Today’s lesson is the text book, 'Touchstone3’ unit10, ’What`s up?’,’Catching up’ 2.Here is a talk from Radio Eikaiwa. Today`s speech is a talk about Radio Eikaiwa. Topic is disagreement. Gary and Helen are talking. a Gary, I might need …


Today`s speech is a talk about Radio Eikaiwa. Topic is disagreement. Gary and Helen are talking. a Gary, I might need to get another bookshelf. b Wow, Helen, you got a lot of books already. a I know. If I buy books any more, I won`t put th…