
Here is a talk from ラジオ英会話.
Topic is relative adverb, relative clause modification, that unrestricted usage, which unrestricted usage.
Two shogi club members are talking.
a Sota, why the serious look?
b I'm afraid I have some bad news.
a Bad news? What's it?
b I'm quitting the shogi club.
a You? why? You've always been the leader of this club.
b I know, but I have to concentrate on studying for my college exams now.
a I don't believe you, Sota.Tell me the real reason why you want to quit..
I think you know the real reason.
b Do I?
a Yes.
key sentence is tell me the real reason why you want to quit.
The reason why I'm calling is that I want to change my departure date.
I'm looking forward to the day when we can all have been together again.
I'll never forget the moment when I proposed to my wife.

Two persons are talking about futsal.
a Are those guys on the cover of that magazine playing soccer?
b No, they are playing futsal.
a What' futsal?
b It's kind of like indoor soccer. I've been playing it recently with an amateur teams.
a Oh, it sounds like good exercise. No wonder you are looking healthier these days.
b Thanks.
a So, when are you going to play next?
b I wanted to play next Sunday. But the players I hoped would play are all busy that day.
key sentence is the players I hoped would play are all busy that day.
The couple I was hoping would rent my apartment changed their mind.
The origina Picasso my fiance thought he had turned out to be a fake!
I cheked every place where I thought I could have left my keys.

Two colleagues are talking by phone.
a Hi, can you here me? It's Raji here in Bubai.
b Yes. I can hear you, Raji.
a What time is it there in Japan?
b It's 10 o'clock in the morment. What time is it there?
a It's 6:30 here. I just woke up.
b I'm sorry.
a It's OK. I wish I were in Tokyo.
b Really? Have you been here before?
a No, not, yet. But my brother Deepak, who is a chef, lives in Tokyo.
My neighbor , who is 75 year's old, ran a halh marathon yesterday.
In the summer, where it's warm and sunny, we'll have a beach holiday.
We are planning a trip to Hawaii, where we went for our honymoon.

The last story is two colleagues are talking about one's summer holiday.
a Hi, Riko. Did you have a nice summer holiday?
b Yes, it's relaxing.
a Did you go anywhere special?
b We went to Nagoya to see my parents. I hadn't seen in a while.
a So you stayed at their house?
b Actually we stayed at the Misonikomi Hotel, which is the place for miso lovers.
a Sound good. Do their dishes have miso in them?
b Many of them do. Their misonikomi udon is amazing!
a Now I'm getting hungry.
key sentence is We stayed at the Misomikomi Hotel, which is the place for miso lovers.
We went to Agra, which we can visit the Taji Mahal.
We stayed at two resort hotels, both of which were pure luxury.
Today,or my husband prepared breakfast for me, which happens only once in a blue moon.