
Today’s speech is a talk from ラジオ英会話.
Topic is adjective. It's usually placed before a noun, 2 adjectives are connected with a conjunction 'but', the order of 2 more overlapping adjectives, making an adjective.
Two persons are talking about unagi.
a So, this is Kanda. There are lots of restaurants in this area.
b What's that delicious smell?
a It's unagi.
b What's unagi?
a Barbecued eel.
b People eat eels?
a Yes. It's very popular, but also expensive. Would you like to try it?
b How expensive is it?
a The unagi with rice set is at least double the price of a regular lunch.
b Well, today it's my treat for all your kindness.
a Oh, thanks a lot, Thomas.
key sentence is what's that delicious smell?
Everybody is talking about your excellent presentation.
Thanks for your wonderful hospitality.
Let me show you ourlatest model. It's awesome!

Second story is 2 teachers are talking about morzart.
a Hi, Mr.Smith what are you listening to? Let me guess, Brahms?
b Oh, Ms. Jetz.
a Call me Bennie.
b OK. Bennie. I'm actually listening to Mozart's Symphony No.40.
a I love that symphony. It's a sad but beautiful piece of music. That's typical of Morzart.
b Sounds like you know a lot about classical music.
a Well I went to music college.
b That's interesting. You don't seem like a classical music lover.
a I love all kind of music, Mr. Smith.
Key sentence It's a sad but beautiful piece of music.
It was a cold but windy day.
I think it was tough but fair test.
I have a demanding but rewarding job.

Third story is 2 persons are talking about Akarenga Souko.
a So, now. we're near the port of Yokohama.
b Look at that huge old building. What's it?
a It's called Akarenga Souko or the Red Brieck Werehouse. The warehouse was built over 100 years. They've been transformed into a shopping complex.
b I love the way they preserved the original architecture.
a Me too. Hey, it's almost 6. Are you hungry?
b Yes, I'm starving.
a Great. How about dinner in China town?
b That woulx be wonderful.
key sentence is look at that huge old building.
They live in a big old house near the station.
Come and see our cute newborn kitens.
How do you like my new, pink silk blouse?

that huge old building
the small brown lizard
the beautiful silk dress
my old leather armchair

Last story is 2 previous class mates are talking about Canada.
a Hiroto, can you hear me?
b Yes, Juliet. Wow, you haven't changed at all!
a Thank, .but I've changed a lot. It's been 30 years since college.
b So where are you living now?
a I`ve lived in the western part of Canada since 1990. How about you?
b Well, I'm still in Japan, but I have a 22-year-old son, who lives in Canada. He is a professional golfer.
a What's his name?
a Yasuto. He lives in Calgary..
b That's where I am! Maybe I can meet him.
key sentence is I have a q22-year-old son, who lives in Canada.
She can eat only gluten-free food.
My narrow-minded boss won't listen to my new ideas.
My angry girl friend gave me a you'd- better- watch-what-you-say look!