
Today’s speech is a talk from ラジオ英会話.
Today's topic is scripts of conversation to know of, to hear, to be principle, to be common sense.
Two persons are talking about Professof Peackok.
a Hi, Hiromi. What are you reading?
b Oh, hi, Professor Fox. It's a book by Professor Brendan Peacock, the archaeologist. Do you know him?
a Well, I know o him. He's really famous.
b Actually he is a friend of mine.
a Really? How come?
b We went the same high school.
a I'm jealous because he 's much more famous than I am.
b Well, you are an excellent English teacher, Professor Fox.
a Thank you, Hiromi. I do my best.
key sentece Well, I know of him.
If you think she will give up so easily, you clearly don't know her.
Of course I know a lot about Steave because he is my kid brother!
Oh, you are looking for reliable plumber, I know of a guy who could help you. He has a good reputation.

Second story is 2 persons are talking about the New Year's sale.

a Mariko. I hear that you like to go shopping.
b Yes, I love shopping. Tomorrow is the first sale of the year. I can't wait.
a Let's go shopping together. I `m interested in
seeing a new year sale in Japan.
b It'll be crowded. Lots of people want buy the lucky bags.
b Yes, I `ve heard that you don't know what's inside them.
a That's why they'are so much fun.
b Ah, you like mysteries.
a Yes!
key sentence is I hear that you like to go shopping.
I hear that you like to play golf. Me too. How about we play together one day?

Have you heard that a new Indian restaurant just opened?
Rumor has it that Helen has been headhunted by another company.

Third story is two persons are talking at one's New Year's Celebrations.

a Mr. Sato. I'm excited to be a part of your New Year's celebrations!
b We're happy to have you with us!
Now, let's drink a toast to the New Year!
a Oh, no! I 've broken the glass. I'm sorry.
b Don't worry about it. Accidents will happen.
a I'm so embarrassed.
b Forget about it. It was an old wine glass anyway. I'll get you another one.
a Let's toast again. OK. Happy New Year!
Key sentence is accifents will happen.
Quality goods will always sell best.
My dog bites if you toutch him when he's asleep, so be careful.
My wife is always nagging at me to do more house work!

Last story is two persons are talking about the New Year's lunch.

a What's this? A present for me?
b Yes.
a Wine glasses? You shouldn't have.
I told you to forget about it.
b I wanted to do something.
a OK, thank you. Let's have something different for lunch.
b No ozoni today?
a Today we are having seven herbs porridge.
People say you enjoy good health for a year when you eat it.
b Oh, it's delicious.
a Yes, it's one of favorites.
key sentence is people say you enjoy good health for a year when you eat it.
People say I 'm a dreamer, but I will keep reaching for the stars.
It' said that a rabit lives on the moon.
He is considered to be the greatest tennis player in history.
Actually we must not to organize New Year's Celebrations due to corona virus.
I ate a few rice cakes.
That's why this time I never feel new year days.