
「楽しい英会話」の会記録(20220713)1.Today’s lesson is the text book, 'Touchstone3'  unit3 'Natural Wonder’, ‘Is that a fact?’.

2.Here is a talk from ラジオ英会話

Topic verb, bring, drive, arrive and turn.

2 rock group members are talking,

a Synthia, how many guitars have I broken over the years? 

b I can't remember. I've lost count. Why? 

a Well, maybe, it's time for me to do something else. 

b Something else besides playing rock music? 

a Yeah, maybe. You know Dris, the director, making the documentary of our band, right? 

b Yes. 

a She said I should brcome an actor and play a role in her new movie. 

b You mean, you want to break up the band? 

a No, of course not. 

Key sentence how many guitars have I broken over the years? break a glass break a rule break a law break a promise break a word break the speed limit break the world record break a code Could you break this bill? The glass broke My phone broke My heart broke break the news break the peace break the silence break prison break jailDay will break soon John broke up with Mary. Let's have a break. I broke Mom's favorit bese. Who is going to break the news? Why did you break up with Nadine? What? You broke up with Nadine?


A couple are talking,

a Takuma, we need to set a date for our wedding soon. b I know, I`ve been thinking about that. Do you have any ideas? a How about in autumn, saying, early October? b OK, let me check the calendar. Right, there is a three-day weekend. That could work. a The weather is usually nice that time of year. b Yes, and I love the food in autumn, too. a Sounds perfect, Takuma. Let`s do that then. Key sentence we need to set a date for our wedding soon. Wait until the cement jelly sets. Set your mind to it. The sun sets in the west. Mindset My parents set a high value on honesty. Set a time. Seg a price. Set a limit. Set my hair. Set the table for dinner. Set the prisoner free. Set her heart at ease, rest. Set in right. How long does it take icing to set? He set his mind on becoming a professional golfer. If you love somebody, set them free. 


Dr. Frank.N.Stein and Jeannie are talking.

a Jeannie, did you talk to Frankie? b Yes, I saw him today. He had changed into casual clothes. a What was he wearing before? b He was wearing a ckol suit and necktie. That why all the girls were following him. a So, you are not jealous any more? b I never was nealous. You said that. a Well, I`m glad that problem`s settled. You`ve changed a lot, Jeannie. Have I? In what way? b You `re more like a real woman now. Thank you, Doctor. Key sentence You`ve changed a lot. He had changed into casual clothes. Things changed. Change myopinion outlook. Chang my mind. Change my phone. Change this for a new one. Change yen into dollars. Change trains busses planes. Change trains at Ueno. Cryptovurrencies? Times have changed. I`d like to change my yen into pounds.


2 friends are talking.

 a Masaya, did you remember to bring the curry roux? b Yes, I didn`t forget this time. I bought two kinds. Just in case. a OK, I like midium-hot kind. b Me, too. Oh, it`s stop raining. I can build the campfire now. a Make sure you use dry branches. b I know, I`m not clue-less, you know. a OK, let`s stop chattering and get to wor!. b Yes, boss. a And please be careful! Key sentence let`s stop chatting and get to work! Stop talking. Stop smoking. Stop working. It`s stopped raining. The bus stopped. He stopped. Stop tocatch my breath. Stop to think. The bus is stopping. Stop the fight. Stop the war. Stop them arguing. Why did you stop dating him? I don`t know why the train is stopping. I managed to stop the leak.