
Today's presentation is a talk from ラジオ英会話.

Topic is verb ask, persuade

At first,  ask

Story is Two persons are talking about thir colleague, Nadea's farewell party. 


a I heard Nadea is leaving the company.

   That' s a big surprising.

b I know. I can't imagine this place without her.

a Is there going to be a farewell party?

b She said she didn't want to have one, but we have to.

a I agree. She's been such an important part of this company for so many years.

b Right. Nadea is really popular, too.

a OK. Let' ask David to organize a party.

b Good.

Key sentence is

Let’s ask David to organize a party.


ask means to say something in order to obtain answer or information.

He asked me where I lived.


l asked her if she was OK.


She asked me for more money.



You’re asking for it.

that means 'reap as you sowed.



 I asked her why she didn’t want to get married.

get married, get divored

 You should never ask a lady her age.

Second,  persuade

Story is

Two persons are talking about how the meeting went.


a How did the meeting with the Japanese company go?

b Pretty well, I think. I spent a long time preparing for it. We were able to put forward some powerful arguments.

a So, do you think you persuaded them to accept our conditions?

b Well. They were tough negotiators but in the end I believe they will agree to most of them.

a Well down. I 'm sure the boss will be delighted.


Key sentence is

Do you think you persuaded them to accept our conditions?


 Don’t let him persuade you into lending him money.


persuade means to cause to believe something.

persuade and into are good combinations.

into「〜の中へ」。 youを説得しlending him money(彼にお金を貸す)という状況の中へ入れる

talk 人 into – 同様の意味で

Don't let him persuade you into lending him money.


Such verbs as persuade are force, order


You don’t have to accept-nobody’s forcing you.




Well, I’m sure you remember “May the force be with you!”


「May the Force be with you」(フォースが共にあらんことを)

My boss has stopped ordering me to work late.




When I got up In morning with several days ago, I found my left eye red, 

As I got worried about it,  I went to see an eye doctor.

The doctor diagnosed I got subjunctional hemorrhage in my old age.