
Today's presentation is a talk from ラジオ英会話.

Topic is an oral verb, speak, chat, say, tell.

At first,  speak

story is 

2 persons are talking about how to give a presentation.

a Can you give me some advice?

b Sure. What's up?

a I need to give a presentation next week. But I'm worried about it.

I hate to speak in front of people.

b Don't worried. Just relax and make sure you are prepared.

a I want to use lots of slides.

b Actualy I think it's better not use too many slides. Speak in your own words.

a OK. Can you listen to it later?

b Sure. I have time today.

Key sentence is 

I hate to speak in front of people.




to inform of something.

the comunication is unidirectional.

talk 言葉によるコミュニケーションを意味する動詞-「おしゃべりをする」

talkはpeace talks和平会談 、話し合い

the comunication is interactive.

1). I don’t want to speak about it right now.

2). I don’t want to talk about it right now.


1). 今はそれについて口に出したくない。

2). 今はそれについて君と話し合いたくない

So, can you explain the difference between these two?

Sure. So “I don’t want to speak about it right now.” really focuses on me. “I don’t want to speak, I don’t want to utter a single word.

Whereas, the emphasis with “talk”, “I don’t want to talk about it right now.” is more like, ah, two way discussion. Talking implies something more in depth. 綿密に、掘り下げて


Second, chat

story is about  2 persons are talking about arguing and chatting.

a Hi. Nadia, I saw you and Aileen having a chat by the coffee machine today.

b We weren't chatting. We were arguing.

a What were you arguing about?

b It' s kind of a long story, but we have different opinions about the company.

a Oh, really? I heard a lot of laughing, so I thought you were chatting.

b Well, women can argue and laugh at the same time.

a I see. Most men can't do that so easily.

Key sentence is

We weren’t chatting. We were arguing!



chat 「おしゃべりをする」フレンドリーで気軽な会話です。

It is friendly and informal.

argue 「論する主張する」イメージは「白黒つける」。

dispute, quarrel


Such verb as chat and argue are discuss, negotiate. 

discuss(議論する)他動詞 transitive verb

☓ discuss about


I need to discuss this matter with my family.



So, why is “discuss” always used in the trasitive construction?

It’s kind of, like, attack. So there is a direct contact with whatever it’s discussing.

  1. Actually, you know, the very verb, discuss implies sharing of variety of ideas. So the notion of about is already included in it.



We are now negotiating very hard for better working conditions.




So negotiate sounds like a verbal tag of war, right/ 言葉だけの綱引き

Yeah, that’s a good discription, the image to-and-pro pulling, both sides, right?

That’s right. And each side, trying to get the best situation for them.



arangement 準備・手配 upcoming 近づきつつある

 Today, we need to discuss arrangements for the upcoming conference.


Third  say 

story is about 2 persons are talking one's leaving the company.

a Hi David. Do you mind if I join you?

b Oh. Hi Nadia. Of course not. Take a seat.

    How are things?

a Well, actually, I have some news. I'm quitting.

b What did you say?

a I'm leaving the company.

    The current situation here leaves me no other choice.

b But you are one of the key people in this company. We won't  be able to do anything without you.

a I don't know about that.

Key sentence is

What did you say?



say means to utter words in order to convey information, opinions, instructions. 

We can use it some interesting ways.

Say thank you.


 So, could you explain the context of this sentence?

Well, you know, students, always, are saying, “We don’t have enough money.” But they really want a new laptop, so they’ll have to do it step by step, put aside 20,000 a month, and by next year. They’ll have enough money.

So as you can see like we mentioned before, that this is a proposal.

I will drop your home tomorrow. say, 9 o'clock? 

 Let’s say you put aside ¥20,000 a month. You’ll have enough to buy a new laptop by next year.



 At last  tell

story is A couple are talking about an old Karate's videos like Best kid. 

a I really enjoyed that DVD. It's an old  movie. But I like the characters.

b The actor play the old man died many years ago, but I remember him well.

a He had a nice relationship with the boy.

b Yes, he taught the boy the spirit of karate.

a You cried at the last. Tell me why you cried.

b  The boy was like a son to the old man. He was so proud of the boy.


Key sentence is 

Tell me why you cried


tell means to give some information by speaking or writing.

we can use tell in some interesting ways.

So, can other verbs like, speak, say, talk, take this form?

You mean like, ah, “Don’t speak anyone your password?”

Chris, I have no idea what you just said.

So, the answer is NO!


We told you to have the car checked before buying it!


have 物 過去分詞



Can’t you tell that they are just using you?



Sometimes it’s difficult to tell the good guys from the bad!


tell A from B, AとBを見分ける・区別する



How can you tell organic foods from non-organic?