
Today' s presentation is Radio 英会話 

Topic is verb (receive, gain)

I have 2 stories.


At first, receive

2 co-workers are talking about one's lucky email.


a Good morning. Did you turn on your computer?

b Yes, of course. It' already 10 o'clock. I' m checking my emails now.

a Did you read the one I sent you at 9:00?

b  Nine Today? Sorry, I don't seem to have recieved your email.

a May be. It went into your junc mail folder.

b Oh. Here it is. What is this?

a You 've won the New Product Idea Award. Congratulations!  You really deserve it.

b Wow!  Thanks a lot.


I don’t seem to have received your email.


receive 単に、受け取る。getよりもカタい響きを持った単語


He received [a good education / emergency treatment / a warm welcome].



I happily accepted their offer to sponsor my startup.


deserve 受ける価値がある(ふさわしい)

You really deserve it.


2). こんなことになるなんて、僕が何をやったっていうんだ。


2). What have I done to deserve this?

second,  gain


story  2 co-workers are talking about another co-worker Hiroki.


a I love this view. This is my first time at a rooftop beer garden.

b Really? I come here every summer.

a It's too bad. Hiroki couldn't come. He said he's busy with work.

b He 's changed a lot since he joined our company.

He 's gaining more and more confidence.

a I know. he is always trying to acquire new skills.

b He needs to relax sometimes too, though.

All work and no play.

a  Makes Hiroto a dull boy.

b Exactly.


He 's gaining more and more confidence.



Whiskey is an acquired taste.



How do I obtain the visa? 固くフォーマル



1). 彼女は手術して以来、毎日徐々に体力をつけてきている。

2). 私たちの英語学科はすばらしい名声を獲得しています。

She’s gaining strength every day since the operation.

 Our English department has acquired an excellent reputation.