
Today's presentation  is about ラジオ英会話 as usual.

Topic is verb;  build and ruin

At first  build


a Do you want see the latest photes of Duke?

b Sure, he must be pretty big by now.

a You can say that again. Take a look.

b Wow! He's enormous.

a Right. German Shepherds grow fast. So now I have to build a new dog kennel.

b Do you know how to do that?

a Well. I just googled how to do it and  it turns out to be a piece of cake.


Key sentence is

I have to build a new dog kennel.


Such verbs as build are construct, produce


The most up-to-date ideas are built into the strategy of this company.

They are constructing a new airport terminal.

Brazil produces some of the world’s best coffees.

Our company produces microchips.



So, probably this type of usage of produce includes a notion of quantity, right?

Yeah, I would say so. And large quantities are involved to produce, normally. Wouldn’t you say so?

Yes, and because of that it also has that image of like, a factory is producing in large quantities.


Chris produced his driver’s license from his pocket.



1). 私たちは子どもたちのためによりよい未来を創ろうと固く決意しています。

determined 固く決意した

2). 多くの学生は堅実な議論の組み立て方を知らない。

a solid argument.

So, can you explain “a solid argument” here?

Well, first of all, you should know what solid means. It’s full. It’s dense. It’s the opposite of hollow.

That’s right. And there’s no holes in it, right?

Right. So a solid argument is one with lots of proof and evidence to support that argument.

And no holes that you can go through and destroy the argument.


3). 私たちのリンゴの木は今年はこれまでになく多くの実をつけています。

産出する produce。 more than ever これまでよりもたくさん

1). We are determined to build a better future for our children.

2). Many students don’t know how to construct a solid argument.

3). Our apple trees have produced more fruit than ever this year.


Second ruin


a How was your trip to Hawaii?

b Not so good. I'm afraid.

a How come?

b Well, I got a toothache there. It ruined the whole trip.

a That's too bad. Couldn't you find a dentist in Hawaii?

b No, I didn't want spend time looking for one.

a Are you OK now?

b Yes, I went to the dentist here.

a Good. So how about grabbing a bite to eat?

b Excellent idea. I'm thirsty.


Ket sentence is

It ruined the whole trip.


Such verbs as ruin  are break, destroy


So, why is plural used for ruins?

Because it’s in pieces.

You ruined my day.

Oh, no! I’ve broken my neighbor’s window.

I’ve never broken a law in my life.

I broke up with my girlfriend last night.

So, could you tell me the image of “break up”?

Well, first we should focus on “break”, a relationship is like a line. So you’re together, and then suddenly, it’s broken into two, separated.

And “up” part has a real nuance of completion. So completely broken,


have a break 休憩する

up 完全性 clean up

This scandal has destroyed the famous actor’s reputation.



1). 昇進のチャンスを台無しにしたくないなら気をつけてくださいね。 Be careful, promotion

2). 電話を落としてスクリーンを割ってしまった。screen

3). 空爆で、その都市全域が破壊されてしまった。 air strike 空襲・空爆

1). Be careful if you don’t want to ruin your chances of promotion.

2). I dropped my phone and broke the screen.

3). Air strikes have destroyed entire areas of the city.