
Today`s speech is a talk about Radio Eikaiwa. 

Topic is countable noun and uncountable noun.

A couple are talking.

a Kelly, my parents are coming over for dinner on Sunday.

b This coming Sunday? We have to clean up the apartment.

a I`ll help. Let`s go shopping tomorrow.

What are we going to serve?

b I was thinking of Italian food.

We need some olive oil and onions.

b Don`t put in too much onion. You always use too much.

a OK, And a few bottles of red wine.

b I didn`t know your parents liked wine.

a They drink wine every weekend.

Key sentence we need some olive oil and onions.

My dad has some beer  wine bread cheese at dinner.

All we need is love peace happiness.

We don`t have much rain here.

Water boils at 100 degrees

We need water to live.

Time flies.

Happiness is not always easy to find.

They have little time.

There is some white wine in the fridge. Help youfself.


A couple ard talkjng.

a Ahchoo!

b  Casper, did you catch a cold?

a Ah, I think I`m coming down with something.

b Drink some bot tea with honny and lemon.Honny is really good for you.

a Yeah, I know, by the way, Alexis. I was thinking we should make some changes this year. 

b What do you mean?

a I want to change some furniture in the bed room.

b Well, it`s time you got a new dresser for your clothes. Those plastic boxes are pretty shabby.

a They really are.

Key sentence I want to change some furniture in the bed room.Mony talks Money isn`t everything. I don`t have much money.Fuit is a great source of vitamins.There`is a lot of food on the table.I spend a lot of money on food.I`d like to give you some advice.

Information is the key of success.

For more information, check out our website.


A few days passed.


a Casper! The furniture you ordered is here.

b OK, Whoa, this dresser lookes bigger than I remembered.

a I hope there`s enough room in the bedroom.

b I measured it,  so, it should be fine.

a Anyway, We don`t have time to set it up, so let`s just leave it here for now.

b Right, we`d better get going, or we`ll be late for our dental appointment.

a Yes, We`ll sort out the dresser when we get back.

b Good. Let`s go.

Key sentence I hope there`s enough room in the bedroom.

We don`t have time to set it up so let`s just leave it hefe for now.

Time is money.

Do you have time to talk?

It took me a long time to get there.

How many times have I told you that?

Did you have a good time at the party?

This is made of glass.

These are champagne glasses.

I always wear glassed

Can you put more paper in the printer.

This story is in all the papers

I did aot of we


Two haik club menbers are talking.

a Mr.Emori, I got this official looking post card yesterday.

b Let`s see.It says you need to renew your residence card.

a Can I do it online?

b According this, you need to go to the immigration office in person.

a Then I have to take a day off from work.

b It`s easy to go by bus or by taxi if you are in a hurry.

a Oh, well. I guess I have no choice.

Key sentence it says you need to go to the immigration office in person.

You can write the answer by pen or pencil.

I went to school in Tokyo.

You can go by car bus train.

I ate chicken for dinner

At last I`ll get to see you in person.

We went to the top of the mountain by helicopter.

I ate ram at a new Indian restaurant last night.