
Here is a talk from Rajio Eikaiwa.

Topic is general people(you, we, they), what`s that.. it is, it..to and it…that. 


Mr Smith and Miss Jet are talking.

a Mr.Smith, what are you listening to?

b Brahms Third Symphony. 

a You really like that symphony, don`t you? You always listen to it.

b This is a new performance by the Wienna Phlharmonic. It`s very good.

a Have you ever been to Wienna? 

b No, I`ve never been to Austria.

a Really? You of all people should go. You only live once.

b I`ve wanted to go for a long time. Do we need a  visa to go there?

a I`m not sure. You`d better check.

Key sentence you only live once. 

They say life begins  at 60.

People tend to believe stereotypes.

Do we need a visa to go there?

You should.ot eat too much nunk food.

They say that an apple a day meeps the doctor away.

People often think the grass is greener than on the kther side.


Captain Meagan and an alien ars talking.

a I`m zaytox, from the planet Bega 6.

b How can you speak English?

a We can speak any language in the universe.

Throgh this device.

b What`s that?

a It`s a universal translator.

b Very impressive.

a Our technology is far above your level.

b Obviously. Your spaceship is very fast.

a Yes, it takes only 15 minutes from here to your earth.

b That`s impossible!

a It`s possible. We can give you a fast ride home.

Key sentence what`s that?

I`s a universal translator.

What`s that?

I`s a wine bottle opener.

I`m really sorry. It won`t happen again.

It`s a find day today.

It`s 5 o"clock now.

It`s dark here.今日はここまでにしましょう

You can make it if you try hard.

That`s it.それだ

I got it. わかりました,

It takes only 15 mimutes from here to your earth.

We saw a shooting star. It was magical!

It`s hot a.d humid today.

I`m sure she can make it to the top if she practices hard.


An Indian restaurant chef and a customer, Barbala are talking.

a Hi, it's you. You realy like Indian food, don`t you?

b Hi, Deepak, yes, l like your currey in particular.

They are so good.

a Thank you. It`s surprising that you come here so often.

b Really? I wonder why? Any way. How`s business these days?

a Not very good, I`m afraid.  It`s difficult to have a restaurant in this area.

b Why don`t you change locations?

a I`ve been thinking about that.

b Let me help you. I can find vacant properties in the city.

Key sentence it`s different to have a restaurant in this area.

It`s sjrprising that you come here so often.

It`s up to you if you take this job.

It`s not clear that he stayed that evening.

It`s tough working witb him 24-7.

I think it`strange to put pineapple on a pizza.

It`s exciting for me to visit a new country.

It`s obviousthat she was lying.

I think it fitting to have a party for his retirement.


A couple, Gary and Helen are talking.

a Helen, check out my new telescope!

b Very impressive. What are you looking at?

a I`m viewing the planet Jupiter. Look, you can see some of Jupiter`s moons through it.

b Oh, wow! I see them. That`s incredible!

a We have to thank Galileo for inventing the telescope.

b I read that it was a Dutch person that invented the telescope, right?

a Really? I always thought it was Galileo that invented it.

b So, did I, until I read about it.

Key sentence I read that it was a Dutch person that invented the telescope.

It was Mary that broke the kitchen`s window yesterday.

It was the kitchen`s window that Mary broke yesterday.

It was yesterday that Mary broke the kitchen`s window.

It was Patrick that sent flowers to Michelle.

It was flowers that Patrick sent to Michelle.

It was Michelle that  Patrick sent flowers to.