Online English Conversation lesson by skype(20230113)

Tom’s sponcered walk

  1. Does Tom currently serve in the army? 
    No,he doesn’t, because he is an Army veteran.
  2. How much did he hope to raise ?  It’s 1000 pounds
  3. Where was his sponsored walk to take place?  It was his back garden.
  4. Tom eventually raised a staggering £21 million.
  5. Many hope that Tom will be knighted for his efforts.
  6. Tom’s aims to support the NHS have struck a chord with many people in the UK.
  7. Tom has showen a single person can stir the nation.
  8. Every little helps.

Army veteran(退役軍人) Tom Moore did a sponcered walk at  the age of 99 years old to raise money for the NHS The National Health Service in the UK,

His aim was to raise 1000 pounds. 

This was ambitious(野心的) walk of 1,6 miles in his back garden(背中の重荷を負い) giving that(考えると) he had recently been treated for a broken hip and skin cancer (腰痛や皮膚がんの治療を受け). As he began his sponcered walk he was surprised to see the response from the British public as donations started pouring in(注ぎ込んだ).

By the end of (終わりまで)the sponsored walk he had raised not one thousand    

pounds but a staggering(驚異的な) 21 million pounds. Many around the country are now calling for Tom Moore to be knighted for(騎士の称号) his remarkable fundraising efforts. Tom Moore has started that he was overwhelmed by the sum of money that was donated.

His  raise for the NHS struck a chord with(共鳴させた) many around the country today.

As the population(住民) watched doctors nurses other Hospital staff and all Frontline  workers(最前線で働く人びと)put themselves in Arm’s Way to save lives(自分自身を危険に晒す) as they battle against the corona virus crisis.

This story truly is an example of  how a humble unambitious person can stir the nation and affect incredible change .(謙虚で野心的でない人がどれ程国を動かし信じられない程の変化をもたらすことができるか) Surely we should all be doing more in one way or another(我々皆何らかの方法でもっとおおくのことをする) as the saying goes every little helps and who knows whether your modest attempt to help might not also create a flame of support throughout your own country.(諺の言っているように少しでも助けになりあなたのささやかな助けの試みがあなたの国内の支持の炎を生み出さないかどうかは誰にもわかりません。