
Today's presentation is a talk from ラジオ英会話.

Topic is verb, realize and understand.

At first  'realize'

Story is;

Two persons are talking about how one started working at the company.


a How did you start working at this company?

b It's a long story, but, it's basically, it's all thanks to my friend, Alice.

a What happened?

b She runs a coffee shop. The president of this company enjoys going there. He told her he was looking for a web designer. Then Alice called me and told me about the job.

a Oh, she really helped you out.

b Yes, if she hadn't called me, I wouldn't be here.

   I realized how important friendship is.

Key sentence is

I realized how important friendship is.


We can use it in 2 meaning ways.

1. It means to achieve, fulfill

I was finally able to realize my vision.


2 It means to become aware of as a fact (悟る)

realize real(現実の)+ ize(〜にする)

 I don’t think he realized how tough the job was going to be.



Such verb as realize are recognize, notice


「re – (再び) + cognize(知る)


Van Gogh was not recognized as a genius during his lifetime.


I recognize the song, but I can’t remember the singer.




it means to sence


 My girlfriend got upset because I didn’t notice her new hairstyle.


Next verb  understand

Story is;

Professor Peacock and his lecture's audience are talking about the universe.


a I enjoyed your lecture on Cosmologies of Ancient Peoples.

b It's surprising how much  they got to know about the universe without telescopes.

a Yes, even today, it's hard to understand how big the universe is.

b You can say that again.

a I wonder if we will ever travel to another planet in our solar system.

b That' s many people's dream.

a It might come true, someday.

Key sentence is

It’s hard to understand how big the universe is.



I see.


I got it.


Such verb as understand are grasp, comprehend, follow.


grasp means to seize and hold firmly.

 vs grab(何かをものをガッとスピーディーにつかむ動作)

It’s important to grasp the native speaker’s way of thinking.



comprehend 理解する

It means understand perfectly

com(完全に)+ prehend(つかむ) かたいニュアンス

Sociologists still don’t fully comprehend the causes of delinquency.




It means to go behind, understand

 follow 「ついていく」から「理解」

The lecturer used vary difficult vocabulary, so I couldn't follow what he was saying.
