
Today's presentation  theme from ラジオ英会話.

Topics are verbs ; possess, include.

At first possess

Diagram's story is a talk of a company's president and an interviewer.


a Thank you for taking time for this interview.

b My pleasure. I love your business magagin.

a Thanks. I'm sorry. I couldn't help noticing. That's a nice watch.

b It was my father's. My father left  everything he possessed, including this company.

a So you are the next president?

b That' right. My father founded this company in 1967.

a What do you feel is the secret of your company's success?

b My father's philosophy. He always said 'put the customers first'.

Key sentence is

My father left me everything he possessed.


possess 大切なもの。非合法のもの・才能などを)持っている

So, “possess” is also used for illegal things, right?

That’s right. Like, ah, drugs.

That’s right. Or you could say “possess a knife”, right?

He attacked me like a man possessed.




Such verbs as possess are have, belong, own


You can have my old laptop if you want.



This watch belongs to me.



I don’t belong here.




I own this restaurant.



1). 彼女がこの仕事のための適切な資質を持っているかはわからない(確信が持てない)

資格・能カ・資質 qualification

適切な資質 right qualifications


2). ヘレンと私が同じスポーツクラブに所属していることが、たった今わかった。

わかった find out , 所属している belong to


3). あの男性はすしレストランチェーンのオーナーだよ。持ち!

a chain of sushi restaurants, オーナー owner


1). I’m not sure if she possesses the right qualifications for this job.

Why is “qualifications” plural here?

Well, I think basically for any jobs there’s not just one criterion, you know. There are several criteria required to get the job. So plural is natural.

2). I just found out that Helen and I belong to the same sports club.

3). That guy owns a chain of sushi restaurants. He’s mega-rich.


Second include

diagram's story is a talk of traver an agent and a customer.


a Do you have any travel packages for Japan?

b I recommended this one. It includes a unique hotel near the Inland Sea.

a Really? What's so unique about it?

b Of course, seafood is excellent and the views are  spectacular. But this package includes a free late-night ramen stand inside the hotel.

a I love ramen. I 'm looking forward to eating ramen in Japan.

b And the price of the whole package is reasonable.

a Sounds great. I 'll go for it.

Key sentence is

It includes a unique hotel near the Inland Sea.



Such verbs as include are contain, involve/


Each tablet contains enough vitamin C for a day.



Learning a foreign language necessarily involves making mistakes.



Would you be willing to be involved in the project?


be involved in〜は「〜にギュッと巻き込まれる=〜に参加する」

participate in〜(〜に参加する)よりも主体的に深く関わる感触


So what’s the nuance of “willing to” compared with, for example, “happy to”?

Well, I think “be willing to” is more neutral, if you like. It just means accept. So “happy to” might be a nice answer to the question. Would you be willing to be involved in the project?

I’m happy to be involved in the project. Whereas, if you say, “willing to” would be more like, Okay, yeah, I’m willing to be involved. It’s fine.

Yeah, that’s fine. No problem.


1). 今日のランチセットはサラダと飲み物がついています


2). この映画には暴力シーンが含まれています。


3). この付近の子どもたちは、しばしば犯罪に巻き込まれる

1). Today’s set lunch includes salad and a drink.

2). This movie contains scenes of violence.

So why did you choose “contain” here?

Well, because the basic image here is of a container, so imagine the movie to be a container. And it contains various elements, such as scenes of violence.

That’s right.

3). You can have this sweater. It’s too small for m.