
Today`s speech is a talk about Radio Eikaiwa. 

Topic: Someone urges others to change their behavior.

Jeannie and Frankie are talking.

a So, Frankie,  how did you like the onsen in Japan?

b The water was too hot.

a It felt fine to me.

b Androids should not take baths. We were in danger of rusting.

a Why must you be negative all the time?

b I`m not negative. I `m just stating a fact.

a Give it a rest, will you, Frankie? We are trying to become more human.

b Oh, I see. In that case, it was relaxing.

a Really?

b Yes, I'm being positive.

key sentence why must you be negative all the time?

Jeannie makes Frankie change his disdesirable habits.

Why do you never respond my texts?

You are always bringing up the past.

Do you have to chew with your mouth open?

Is there a reason you always chew with your mouth open?

Why must you always use emoji in your mails?

It `s not professional.

Why do you never check your phone?  

I measaged you five times.

You always compare me to your mother. Give it a rest.


Commander,Meagun and Akira are talking.

a Commander, are you reading me? This is Akira on Mars Base.

b Akira, we are reading you roud and clear.

a Commander, I`m ready to leave Mars now.

b Just a minute. There has been a change in plans.

a What?  You promised a spaceship would come to Mars this month, didn`t you?

b Yes, it`s coming soon. But first we`ll have to fly you to the Moon.

a Fly me to the Moon? I didn`t expect my commander to do this to me.

b In other words, you`re upset.

a Uh, I`m confused.

key sentence you promised a spceship would come to Mars this month, didn`t you?

This is tag-question.

Akira points out his disappointment.

You told me this tickets are free, didn`t you?

You said you would come. But you didn`t sbow up.

You lied to me.

Ylh stabbed me in the back.

You went back on your word.

You promised you would displah my artwork,

 but you lied me.

I didn`t expect my so-call ed best criend  to stab me in the back. I`ll never forgive you for this.

I can`t believe what you did.The whole  office knows my secret now!


Indian restaurant chef, Deepack and real estate agent, Barbara are taking.

a Are you finished with your meal, Barbara?

b Yes, I`m done.

a You didn`t eat much of your curry and naan.

That`s not like you at all. You usually finish everything.

b Can I take it home?

a Sure.  But may I ask,  is something the matter?

b Oh, I got too angry at someone recently.

a I`ve never seen you angry at anyone. What happened?

b This strange guy was picking flowers from one of my properties.

a Well, I would get angry, too!

key sentence that`s not like you at all.

This is deviation from what it should be. 

You are not your usual smiling self.

You are old enough to know better.

You should know better.

As  a public figure, you should be setting a good example.

As a friend you should  be there for him.

A real friend would have my back.

A real friends would never ask you to lie.

That`s not like you at all. You are always so level-headed.

You should not do such a thing. know better than that.

Never put metal in the microwave, got it?

As a menber of society, you should follow the law.


Scientist and Guard are talking.

a So, you were the last person to see Zaytox?

b Yes, I was on a job in the laboratory.

a Can you tell me what happened exactly?

b Yes, Zaytox said he was hungry for ramen.

Unfortunately, we didn`t have any ramen.

a And then what happened?

b I went to a convenient store. When I came back, he was gone.

a You should have seen that coming.

b I locked the door.

a He is an alien. It won`t stop you.

keysentence you should have seen that coming.

This is saying, reap what you sow.

Suffering the cosequences.

You were asking for trouble it.

You got what you deserved.

You did this yourself.

You had ot coming, acting like that.

You reap what you sow.

This is a bed of your own making.

You should have seen that coming. She has been hinting at quitting for weeks.