
1.Today’s lesson is the text book, 'Touchstone3’ unit9, ’Tech savvy’,’on the other hand’

2.Here is a talk from Radio Eikaiwa

Topic is blame. Someone urges people to change their behavior.

Jeremy and Ayako are talking.

a  Jeremy!  I thought I smelled something!

b  Ayako!  I thought you were asleep!

a  I told you not to eat snacks after dinner.

b But I am so hungry.

a You are on a diet. The doctor said your chorestrol  levels are too high.

b I know,  but I am still hungry after eating only diet food for dinner.

a OK, I have an idea. Let`s start cocking different kinds of dishes with soy meat.

b I won`t get hungry?

a No, they will fill you up.

key sentense I told you not to eat snacks after dinner.

Ayako warns Jeremy many times.

I told you to hang up your towel.

How many times have I told you to do your homework?

How many times do I have to tell you to do your homework?

I am fed up with telling you to clean up your room.

I told you not to leave the heater on. You will start a fire.

How many times have I told you to keep your phone on you?

I am fed up with always having tl call you. I want you to call me sometimes too.


 Jeannie and Frankie are talking.

a Jeannie, these flowers are for you.

b Wow, thank you, Frankie! They are beautiful. Where did you find them?

a At a neighbor`s house.

b You mean someone gave them to you?

a No, I picked them from the garden. The lady there got angry at me.

b Of course she did! How could you do such a thing?

a I did not know there was a sign that said "For Sale". It was about the house, not the flowers.

b Oh, no. You still have much to learn.

key sentence how could you do such a thing?

What on earth are you doing?

What do you think you are doing?

You shouldn`t be playing on your phone.

You have some nerve eating snacks after I told you not to.

What do you have to say for yourself?

How could you forget our anniversary? I thlugh you cared.

What do you think you are doing?K said no video games. Turn it off.

You are late for work on yourr first day. What do you have to say for yourself?


Roxy`s grandpa and grandma are talking.

a Darling, when are we going back to England?

b Are you in a hurry to leave?

a No, I am just curious about the date. We have been in Japan for over a month now.

b Yes, life is very different here.

a That`s for sure. The way Roxy dresses in Japan is a bit strange.

b Don`t be so rude.Some young people in Japan dress that way. I Iike the way Roxy dresses.

a But she looks like Alice in Woderland.

b That`s enough out of you.

key sentence don`t be so rude.

Grandma blames grandpa about his attitude.

You are being rude.

Watch your manners.

Behave yourself.

Will you behave?

We need to talk about yojr attitude.

That is inappropriate.

It is not appropriate to wear sandals.

You can`t do that.

You are being rude.There are nicer ways to say you didn`t like the food.

Watch your manners. This is a classy restaurant, not a pub.

It is inappropriate to address her as Ms. Sbe is a doctor.


A couple, Casper and Alexis are taking.

a So, we have all the ingredients we need to make tacos, right?

b Right, we have the meat, lettuce, and I bought this new  salsa.

a Oh, can I taste it?

b Sure. Hold on. Oh, I can`t get this freaking jar open!

a Hey, watch your month!

b Why do they have to put it on so tight?

a Here, let me try.

b Hey, how did you open so easily?

a It takes a little effort.

b You are really strong, Alexis.

a You didn`t know that?

key sentence hey, watch your month.

Alexis blames Casper about how to speak.

Don`t use that tone of voice with me.

You should pay more attention to your tone of voice.

That`s inappropriate.

It`s not appropriate to speak to your teacher that way.

You can`t swear in front of a judge.

You are the only person using such language here.


That type of language is uncalled for.

Hey, watch your month! You were raised better than that.

Don`t use that tone of voice with me It`s disrespectful.

You are the only person using such language here. Please act with more maturity.