
Today’s lesson is the text book, 'Toutchstone'  unit5 'Subject’, ‘Correct things you say’


Q1 Did you take  algebra?

Q2 Was it your favorite subject?

Q3 Did you  get good grades in it?

Q4 Were your classes hard?

Q5 Did you enjoy them? 

Q6 Did you hate them?

Correct things you say

Q1 How did you get to school when you were little?

Q2 Did you go alone?

Today's chips in the class

Notice how you correct the things you say with expressions like these

‘Actually’, ‘Well’, ‘No, wait, 


Here is a talk from ラジオ英会話

Topic is ‘Putting  arguing points in order  for presentation’ 


First story is that customer and sales man are talking about shaved ice machine. 

a Mr. Ito, thank you for meeting me today.

b Not at all. Thank you. I need new products for my shop.

a Our company will soon be introducing two exciting new product. 

b Can you tell me what they are? 

a Of course. The first is a new shaved-ice machine.

b It makes the smoothest shaved ice you've ever seen.

a Excellent! People love eating shaved ice in the summer. What' s the other one?

b It's a lightweight beach parasol.


key sentence Our company will soon be introducing two exciting new products.

I will move on to the key point of my presentation.

I 'd like to digress for a moment with an interesting anecdote.

I'ii be finishing soon, so please hold your questions for s few minutes longer.

For a moment allow me to present s brief history  of our company.

I'll give more details about about our sales figures later.

we often use conjuction such as before, after.


Second story is that A yoga instructor and her student are talking about yoga.

a Welcome to Beginning Yoga. My name is Nikita. And I will be your instructor for this course. Oh, sir. You have a question?

b Yes, I've never done yoga before. I'm a little nervous.

a Don't worry. What's your name, sir?

b Daniel.

a Daniel, just relax. Yoga is all about relaxation.

b That's my problem. I find it hard to relax.

a Well. you came the right place. Before we begin today's lesson, let me give you some imformation about yoga.

key sentence is that Before we begin today's lesson, let me give you some imformation about yoga.

Before discussing the main topic, let me give some background imformation. 

Before beginning the presentation, allow me to introduce myself.

After answering your questions, I'll make a few concluding remarks.

Third story is that two teachers are talking about their colleague, the new music teacher.

a Have you talked to the new music teacher, Ms. Jetz?

b Ms. Jetz? Oh, you mean Bennie. Everybody calls her by her first name.

a Don't you think she dresses strangely?

b What do you mean?

a Well, she often wears electric boots, for example.

b Electric boots? You mean with the lights.

a Yes.  But having said that, she is one of the most popular teaches at our school now.

b I know. All the students love her.

key sentence is Having said that, she is one of the most popular students at our school new.

If my presentation was not effective, but any way,  I did my best.

Talking of managing stress, let's have  a short coffee break.

Having said that, I thought her presentation was impressive overall.

Talking of time management , I should hurry and wrap up my presentation! 

Last story is that Professor Peacock and his student are talking about the ruins of Atlantis.

a  Professor. Do youreally believe Atlantis existed?

b Well, I can't say for sure, but it's possible.

a Most people think the story of Atlantis is just

a myth.

b According to Plato, the story was passed down through the ages.

a So, you are saying it's based on fact?

b Yes. In my opinion, the legend is a memoty from the distant past.

a I hope you find the ruins of Atlantis someday.

b Thank you, Jessica. So do I.

key sentence is According to Plato, the story was passed down through the ages.

 From my point of view, this product offers very good value for money.

As far as I know, we invest more in R&D than any other company in the field.

According these sales figures, we are doing very well.

In my opinion, you should make more eue contact with the audience.

As far as I know, about 100 people will attend your presentation.

When we make a presentation, 

it's really persuasive for us to put arguing points in order.

First, we often use adverb of time to do so.

Such as soon, as soon as, immediately, for a moment, later. 

Second, we often use Filler to do so. Such as  ‘Having said that.’.

Lastly, we often clarify information sorce.

Such as ‘according to’, ‘in my opinion’, ‘as far as I know’.