
Today’s speech is a talk from ラジオ英会話.

topic is focusing words, adverb.


First story is that A painter teaches his  friend to paint. 

a What's wrong,  Sally? You're not painting.

b I cant't paint like you, Bob.

a Sure you can.  Listen, anybody can paint it.

b Can you show me how?

a Let me borrow your brush for a second. Here, just paint a happy little tree.

b How do you do that so easily?

a Ages of practice! But just smile and relax. Above all, you should enjoy yourself. Now, you try.

b I did it.

a You see. I knew you could.

Key sentence is but just smile and relax. Above all you should enjoy yourself.

Such focusing adverb as above all are particularly, among others.

For a good presentation, above all you must keep it simple.

I don't like vegetables and I particulaly I don't like onions.

Today I will talk about key elements of any presentation.: preparation, passion and humour, among others.


Second story is that A Brahms fun is talking about his favorite music to his friend.

a Did you watch the Rajiei symphony orcheatra onTV last night?

b No, I worked overtime, I'm afraid.

What was on the program?

a They had a Morzart symphony and one by my favorite composer. 

b Let me guess, Brahms?

a Of course. It was his third symphony. I love it.

b Do you ever listen to other kinds of music?

a Yes, I like many kinds of music, but most of all  I love classical.

b Well,  that's obvious

Key sentence is that I like many kinds of music. Most of all I love classical.

Such adverb as most of all are best of all, worst of all.

Most of all, I'm happy you enjoy my presentation.

As you see, Our latest tablet is light, stylish and best of all, it's very affordable.

I made a poor presentation. Worst of all, we lost the deal.


Third story is that A daughter and her father have  a drink shop. She asks him to sell new shaved ice.

a Dad, did you try the shaved ice machine?

b Yes, it was really fast. It can make a bowl of shaved ice in seconds. Amazing!

a I have an idea to sell more shaved ice.

b OK. I'm listening.

a We should put rose wine-flavoured shaved ice on the shop menu. Young women love it.

b What? It's a bad idea. Especially, When you consider the cost.  Rose wine is expensive.

a Not really. Any way. we'll use alcohol-free wine.

key sentence is What? It's a bad idea. Especially when you concider the cost. Rose wine is expensive.

Especially is different from specially.

Especially is focusing on difference compared to other thing.

Your introduction was especially striking.

We all make mistakes. Especially when we're really nervous.

It' natural to feel anxious, especially in high-stress situations like public speaking.


Last story is that A father encourages his daugher who lost the softball game. 

a Dad, we lost the softball game by just one run.

b It' OK that you didn't win the game. The point is that you did your best.

a I knew, but it was so close.

b Never mind. Hey, let's go to Rainbow Beach tomorrow.

a Really? Oh, I heard there is a shop that sells rose wine-flavored shaved ice there.

b Who told you that?

a Everybody on social media knows about it.

b But you can't drink wine yet.

a Of course not. I was thinking of you.

key sentence is It's OK that you didn't win the game. The point is that you did your best.

Such focusing determiner as 'the point is' looks llike 'the problem is'.

The point is that you should have prepared much better.

The point is to convince them buy our products.

The problem is that you haven't grasped the importance of body language.


I think it is persuasive to use these focusing words.


Today's chips in the class

I major in Anthropology.

apprentice, disciple

I depict it very well.




Silk is made from cocoons.