
1.Today’s lesson is the text book, 'Touchstone3’ unit11, ’impressions’,’speculating’-`ups and downs`-`that must be fun`.

Tips# somehow I can`t get myself to do.. なぜかみに入らない

Tips# let me know if ..



2.Here is a talk from Radio Eikaiwa.

Topic is feeling, have second thought,

hesitate, confused, have no idea what to do now.

MISS Jetz and Mr. Smith are talking about going to Vienna.

a Good morning, Ms.Jetz.

b Good morning, Mr. Smith. Formal today, aren`t we?

a Yes, I like to be formal at the beginning of the year.

b Ah, yes, you are a very proper person, I know.

a I try to be.

b So, I have been dying to ask you. How was Vienna?

a I didn`t go to Vienna.

b What? I told you to go!

a I`m having second thoughts about going, actually.

b Why? What`s the problem?

a It doesn`t feel right.

key sentence I`m having second thoughts about going.

I`m hesitatant to do that. I hesitate to do that.

I`m not ready to do that. I`m not ready for that.

I`m still on the fence about that. It`s still on the fence about that. It`s a complicated issue.

I`m having second thoughts. It is really expensive to travel right now.

I`m not ready to talk about that. I don`t know all the fact yet.

I hesitate to say what I think. I don`t want to hurt your feelings.


Barbara and Hiroki are talking about buying a condominium.

a So, Hiroki. As you can see it, they made the closet wilder.

b Wow, it`s great! It`s much bigger now.

a Yes, but I want you know that this was a special case. Usually, we don`t do this.

b You mean, changing the apartment for a potential buyer?

a Yes, it`s extremely rare. So it`s time for your decision. Don`t hesitate.

b OK, I`ll take it!

a Very good. You know what they say. He who hesitates is lost.

b I hadn`t heard that before.

a Well, it`s true.

key sentence don`t hesitate.

Don`t think twice about asking for help.

You shouldn`t shy away from talking about it.

Don`t flinch from your responsibilities.

What are you waiting for?

What`s stopping you?

What`s holding you back?

He who hesitates is lost.

Oppotunity doesn`t knock twice.

Don`t hesitate to give your opinion.

You`re here because we want new ideas.

Don`t think twice about accepting the job. He hesitates is lost.

What are you waiting for? You`ll never get another chance as good as this one.


Barbara and Indian restaura.t shef, Deepack are talking about losing appetite.

a So, Barbara. This time you`ve finished all your curry.

b Yes, it was sublime.

a I`m glad to see you`ve got your appetite back.

b Yes, I`m back to my normal self.

a Speaking of losing one`s appetite, now I`m worry about something.

b What`s wrong?

a Well, I got this letter from the city government.

What should I do?

b Can I see it?

a Sure, I`m confused by it.

b It`s something about taxes. but my Japanese isn`t that good. So I can`t say for sure. You should go to the government office directly.

key sentence I`m confused by it.

His explanations are confusing.

I was bewildered, perllexed, baffled by their decision.

My thinking is messed up. The situation has messed up. I can`t make heads or tails of this.

My mind is all over the place.

Wait, I`m confused. It sounds you want to break up with me. Is that what you`re saying? I can say for sure.

I`m so lost. These instructions are so confusing. I have no idea what to do next.

I can`t make heads or tails of his message.

What is he asking me to do?


Hiroki asks some advice for a fortune teller, Hiroko.

a Hiroki, welcome back. I had a feeling you`d be back here today.

bHow did you know?

a I`ve been doing this work for many years, I know.

b Interesting. Well, I need your advice again.

a Sit down. Please go ahead.

b Well, I signed a contract to buy a new condominium.

a But now you had second thoughts, right?

b Yes, exactly. Today my company told me they are reducing my bonus! I have no idea what to do now.

a It`s not surprising.

key setntence I have no idea what to do now.

I don`t know I`m at a loss as to, I`m drawing a blank as to, what to do.

What am I going to do? What should I do?

What do you think I should do?

The dead line is tomorrow, but I haven`t even started. I don`t know what to do.

My phone keeps telling me to change my password for some reason. What should I do?

I`m drawinga blank as to what to do. Can you give me some advice?



Today`s speech is a talk about Radio Eikaiwa. 

Topic is love feeling, interesting feeling, indifferent feeling, happy feeling. 

Roxy`s parents are talking about her boyfriend.

a Adam, have you noticed anything unusual about Roxy lately?

b Unusual? No, she seems really happy.

a That is what I mean. She is never that happy.

I think she has a crush on Masaru.

b Masaru? I didn`t think he is her type.

a Well, they both have a thing for anime. They go to movies together.

b Now that you mention it, she did buy some new clothes recently.

a What do you think of Masaru?

b He seems like a nice guy. I wouldn`t worry about it.

key sentence she has a crush on Masaru.

Have a crush on..熱をあげる

I liks you. I care about you. Is he into me?

I`m in love with you. I have fallen for you.

I have a thing for you. I have feelings for you.

I `m heard over heels for her.

Tbe like each other. they are in love. They love each other.

I care about you. Do you feel the same?

Aww, you have a crush on her, don`t you?

Your face lights up whenever she enters the room.

If you have feeling for him, you bave to tell him.

Don`t keep that bottld up inside.


Roxy and Masaru are talking at Akihabara.

a Wow, Masaru, I haven`t been here in a while.

Look at all the anime figure shops.

b  I know, Roxy. I want to look at all of them.

a There are other things in this town too.

b What kind of things?

a um, old electronics stores.

b Oh,  yeah? I`m interested in that kind of stuff.

a My dad is too. He used to come here often when he was younger.

b Oh, I thought he was interested in cocking.

a My dad has lots of hobbies.

key sentence I am interested in that kind of stuff.

Be interested in…

Your reserch interests me.

That`s interesting.

I`m interested by your idea.

You have piqued my inte


I`m curious about your findings.

I`m listening. I`m all ears.

Go on. Tell me more. Oh, really? Do tell. Pray tell.

I`m interested in the history of this castle. When was it  built?

I`m curious about who made this. Was it ancient humans? Or perhaps alien?

Tell me more about yourself. How did you come to live in Japan?


Two android robots are talking about androids.

a I like this library, Jeannie. It`s very quiet and peaceful here.

b Yes, I like sitting outside on these deck chairs.

a I have been reading some science-fiction books. They mention us.

b Us?

a Yes, many of these books have androids in them.

b Who cares? Besides, I don`t like the word android.

a But the androids in these books act like  humans.

b I don`t care. I dont`t want to be called an android in the first place.

key sentence who cares?

This phrase means indifference.

who cares about that, a little scratch, getting first place.

I don`t care, that doesn`t matter.

That is none of my business. that`s irrelevant to me.

I don`t want to get involved.

I have zero interest in... No one cares. I couldn`t care less about..

Who cares about what people say? Don`t listen to them. Follow your passion.

I won`t ask about your personal life. That`s none of my business.

I couldn`t care less about one review on a website.You can`t please everyone.


Two astrunts are talking about earth.

a Akira, you look like a totally different person now.

b Really? How so?

a You are always smiling. You`ve been on cloud nine ever since you got back.

b Yes, I`m so happy to be back on earth.

a I know the feeling. Look at this blue sky.

b I`ll never take a blue sky for granted again.

Humans don`t realize how lucky they are.

a That`s right. We need to take better care of our planet.

b Exactly. This is the only home we`ve got.

key sentence I`m so happy to be back on earth.

Be happy

I`m happy that you are here. I`m happy to help you.

I`m glad to know you. I`m delighted. I`m over the moon, on cloud nine.

I`m happy to offer whatever help I can give. You`ve got my help.

I`m glad you are making friends at your new school.

Did you hear?  John got accepted to Hiroto University. He is on cloud nine!



1.Today’s lesson is the text book, 'Touchstone3’ unit10, ’Review’,’Reading’


2.Here is a talk from Radio Eikaiwa.

Topic is likeness, dislikeness.

Jeannie and Franky are talking.

a Do you come to this park often?

b I do sometimes when I need inspiration.

a Inspiration?

b Yes, being in nature helps me come up with idears.

a I see. It`s very peaceful here. I love English garden.

b Yes, there`s nothing quite like a English garden.

a Are they better than those in other countries?

b Well, I think so. There`s just something about them.

a I didn`t know you were such a romantic, Brendan.

b Of course I am.

key sentence I love English garden.

This phrase means likeness.

I love English gardens, your tie, Ken.

Try this cake. You`ll love it!

I fond of Ken, reading.

I`m crazy about bonsai.

I enjoy, am a fan of, am partial to.

I`m attatched to this sweater, to successful people. I adore your dress!

I like old cameras.To me, there`s something mavical about them.

My grandfather was fond of this larm. He would come hers everh Sunday.

I really enjoh billiards. It`s a classic game that requjres skill rather than strength.


Bob, painter and Sally, his student are talking.

a Sally, is this your watercolor painting?

b Yes, how do you like it?

a I think it`s your best so far. They just get better and better.

b Thanks. That`s good to hear.

a I have noticed something. You often paint paintings with horses in them. Like this one.

b I have a passion for horses. I love riding.

a Really? I didn`t know you rode horses.

b I rarely do these days. I used to ride often when I was a little girl.

a Well, that explains it.

key sentence I have a passion for  horses.

This phrase means likeness.

I have a weakness, a soft spot a thing, a liking for sweets.

I take pleasurein cocking for others.

I derive satisfaction from having a clean house.

I`m into, hooked on, addicted to yoga.

I like soccer with a passion.

I have a passion for gardening. I grow all the vegetable I eat.

Do you take pleasure in helping others?

A career in physical therapy may be right for you.ook at that guy`s T-shirt. He must be really into the Desperate Rats.


Doug and Sbiho are talking.

a Doug, Our eco-tourism  business is really taking off!

b Yeah, I didn`t realize so many people wanted to visit our island.

a And we are getting lots of customers from abroad.

b I guess my posts in English were effective.

a Yes, they made a big diffrence. Hey, let`s celebrate. I`ll make dinner tonight. what would you like?

b Goya champuru.

a The Okinawan dish? You like it? Goya isn`t really my cup of tea.

b Really? I love it.

b OK, I`ll make some espeially for you.

key sentence goya is not really my cup of tea.

This phrase means dislikeness

I didn`t like dogs. I dislike dogs. I hate dogs.

I can`t stand, bear the stress. That`s bad, terrible, awful, vile.

That`s not for me. That`s not really my thing.

Hiking isn`t my cup of tea. I`m

more of an indoor person.

Can wd go somewhere quieter?I cant stand the noise here.

If you want to ride the roller coasters, that`s fine. I`ll wait here.They are not for me.


Masami and alien, Zaytox are talking.

a Zaytox, are you OK?

b Yes, I`m fine, but I`m feeling bored.

a Oh, so. Vegans get bored nust like humans.

b Yes, we do.

a Why don`t we go for a drive? I can ask Carolyn. She loves driving.

b The idea of riding in cars makes me sick.

a I didn`t know Vegans had cars.

b We don`t, but in America I learned that I get carsick easily. The scientists drove me some place, and I felt sick.

a Oh.

key sentence The idea of riding in cars makes me sick.

This phrase means eject

His behavior disgusted me.

That is disgusting.

I was thoroughly disgusted with that movie.

That made my skin crawl, gave  me the creeps.

Throwing away good food makes me sick. It`s such a waste.

Get your finger out of your nose. It`s disgusting.

I got rid of that old doll. It gave me the creeps.


Today`s speech is a talk about Radio Eikaiwa. 

Topic is in future.

David and Akari are talking.

a Hi, Akari. You seem in a good mood.

b Does it show? Actually, I got some good news.

a What happened?

b I finally won tickets to Hiroto48!

a Congratulations!

b I`m so excited. The concert is this Saturday.

I`m going with my friend, who also won tickets.

Would you like to join us?

a But I don`t have a ticket.

b My friend has an extra ticket.

a OK. I`m not a fan, but it sounds like  fan.

key sentence I`m going with my friend. would you like join us?

Akari works to start something in future.

I`m going to the supermarket Won`t you come with me?

I`m leaing at 9:00tomorrow Please have a taxi reay.

I`ll get my ba. please bring the car around. OK?

You granpma is coming over tomorrow. Be on your best behavior.

Chris is attending our lecture tonight. Let`s surprise him with a cake!

Dinner`ll be ready in just a few minutes. Please wash your hands and set the table.


Jonas and Yayoi are talking.

a Hi, Joanas. Can I ask you a big favor?

b Sure, Yayoi. But I think you still owe me for the last one.

a I do?

b Just kidding.  Go ahead, ask away.

a I fly to Hawaii on Friday on business. Can you give me a ride to the airport?

b Oh, sure. What time?

a If we leave by 2p.m., it`ll give me plenty of time.

b OK, Hawaii?  You know, I love chocolate with macadamia nuts.

a I got you, Joanas.

key sentence I fly to Hawaii on Fryday on business. Can you give me a ride to the airport?

Yayoi works to start something in future.

Your flight boads at 2:10. Please have your boarding pass ready.

Tomorrow is my birthday. Have you booked a table at a top restaurant?

I`m going to Tokyo. Can you show me around?

The school year ends in two weeks. Please turn in your final projects by then.

I`m going to be in Tokushima this weekend on business. Can you recommend a place to stay?

My flight leaves at 5:45.Could you pick me up at 2:00.


Doug and Shiho are talming.

a Doug, do you have some time to talk?

b Sure.  I don`t feel like surfing today. It`s too cold out.

a Well, we are both going to be busy soon.

b Why is that?

a I`m planning to start a new business here on this island.

b What kind of business?

a I`m thinking of doing eco-tours. I`ve arranged to meet some friends who are interested.

b An eco-tourism business? Sounds interesting.

a And I need your help, Doug.

b Sure, I`ll do whatever I can.

key sentence I`m planning to start a .ew business here on this island.

Other expression in future.

I`ve arranged to meet some friends.

I` m scheduled to arrive in London on Tuesday.

The plan is to sell commemorative T-shirts.

I`m thinking of doing eco-tours.

I`m thinking we invite local celebrates.

I`m planning to start a cultural exchange program. Would you be interested in joining?

I`m scheduled to speak at the opening ceremony.What should I wear?

I`m thinming of zerving  bekko zjzhi. I think  visitors willove it.


Two Radio English program`s teachers are taking.

a Hey, David, how was this year for you?

b This has been one of the best years of my life.

a Really? Because you joined this program?

b Well, that `s one reason. There are others.

a Others?  I`m dying to hear them.  Oh, David,

Onishi-sensei is having an end of the year party on Friday.

b A bonenkai?

a Yeah. Would you be free to join us?

b Friday? Sure, I love to. I have nothing lined up.

a Onishi-sensei  lI`d love tooves a good party, you know.

b So I`ve heard.

key sentence would you be free to join us?

Rosa asks for David`s convenience.

Would you have time to...?

Could you spare some time for...?

Have you got time, a minute to spare?

Will you be able to join us?

When is convenient for you?

When is good for you?

Does that work for you?

When works for you?

All of us are having brunch together on Sunday. Would you be free to join?

I`m planning to pick you up around 7 p.m. Does that work for you?

I`m free all afternoon tomorrow.

When is convenient for you?



Today`s speech is a talk about Radio Eikaiwa. 

Topic is decision.

A real estate agent, Barbara and her boss are talking.

a So, Barbara, I understand that you have a high-potential client.

b You mean Hiroki? Yes, he`s interested in buying a condminium soon.

a Has he decited on a location?

b Yes, he looked at several renovated condos, and he is concidering one now.

a Is there an issue with it?

b Well, he is on the fence. He says the closet is too small.

a Why don`t you talk to the cotractors?  Maybe, they can enlarge it.

b Oh, I hadn`t thought about that.

key sentence  he is on the fence.

This means he is unable to decide on buying. 

I haven`t decided if I want dessert.

I don`t knlw if I`mready for marriage.

I"m in of two minds about getting a pet.

I`m torn between vanilla and chocolate ice cream.

I haven`t decided if I like this flavor. Let me try another bite.

Alex is still on the fence about our plan.Can you talk to him?

I`m not sure if I`m ready to go back to work yet.

My children are still very young.


Dr.Frank.N.Stein and android robot, Jeannie are talking.

a The christmas tree turned out great, isn`t it?

b Yes, Dr. Stein. It`s so pretty.

a You have an eye for beauty, Jeannie.

b So does Frankie. He gave me some flowers.

a I heard about that. He took some flowers from someone`s garden, right?

b Yes, he made a mistake. But he has learned. He said I won`t let you down again.

a I`m happy you are teaching him, Jeannie. I appreciate it.

b Thank you, Dr. Stein.

key sentence I won`t let you down again.

This means he makes his resolution.

I will win,return, remember, never give up, never foget this, never forgive you.

I`m going to be a writer someday, mary him someday, own a house someday, change my mind, disappoint you.

I`m determine ed to find the truth, get first place, not to fail, not to repeat my istake.

I will never do it again. I promise!

I`m going to break your heart, I swear. I love you.

I determined not to have any debt by the time I`m 40. I want to be free of that stress.


Two rock band group member, Bill and Synthia are talking.

a Cynthia, I can`t believe you are leaving us. So what are you going to do?

b I want to be a high school teacher.

a Really? I had no idea you were interested in teaching.

b It`s been on my mind for a while. I`m going to be a teacher no matter what it takes.

b I believe you, Cynthia. You can do it.

a Thanks, Bill. I`ll never forget about the Desprates Rats.

b Hey, we`ll play music for your school festival.

key sentence I want to be a teacher no matter what it takes.

This means she declares her resolution.

This mean She makes her resolution.

I`ll master English no matter how long it takes.

I won`t give up no matter what happens.

I`ll follow you whereever you go.

I`ll say no whenever you ask something of me.

I`ll do that even if it`s the last thing I do!

I`ll do that even if it kills me!

I won`t tell you no matter how many times you ask. Please give it a rest.

I`ll stay possitive whatever the critics say. I believe in myself.

I`m going to that concert even if it kills me!

It`s my dream to see them live.


Two teachers, Mr.Smith and Ms.Jet are talking.

a So, Mr.Smith, do you have any plans for winter break?

b I was thinking about going Vienna.

a You keep talking about going there, but you never go.

b I know. It has been my dream forever. It `the city of Mozart, Beethoven and Brahs.

a Just go!  It`s now or never.

This means Ms.Jet inspires Mr.Smith shy away.

b I`m planning on going, but it was hard to travel abroad at that time.

a But everything is fine now, right?

b Maybe in the spring, when it`s warmer.

a Go now!

key sentence it`s now or never

If not now,when. Seize the day.

You`ll never get a better oppotunity.

There is no time likethe present.

If you don`t do it, who will?

If you don`t do it, someone else will.

Who better than you?

What better time than now?

It`s now or never. You"ll never get a better chance to travel.

There is no timeloike the present. Go for it!Fortune favorthe bold, you know.

Look, if you don`t do it, someone else will. You will regret it every day.



1.Today’s lesson is the text book, 'Touchstone3’ unit10, ’What`s up?’,’I was wondering..’

2.Here is a talk from Radio Eikaiwa.

Topic is estimation, issue, goal and decision.

Two shogi club members, Masami and Zaytox are talking about AI.

a Zaytox, this is unbelievable! You won the Big West AI program!

b Why are you so surprised? It`s just a computer program. AI is overrated.

a But no human being has ever won against it.

b I suppose they haven`t tested it on aliens.

a I doubt they have. Our intelligence must seem limited to you.

b Masami, don`t underestimate the power of the human mind. Humans are the ones who created AI.

a Oh, you are right. I hadn`t considered that.

b You humans need to have more confidence.

Remember, you are special in the universe.

key sentence don`t underestimate the powere of the human mind.

Masami estimates AI and human.

That restaurant  is overrated nowadays.

You can`t judge a book by its cover.

Evaluate yourself on a scale from one to ten.

I appreciate the importance of English education.

His music is widely appreciated.

Don`t underestimate her. She is an excellent lawyer and has never lost a case.

There is a great reputation, a lot of hipe about the new movie, but I think it`s lverrated.

I appreciate the effort that goes into making kiriko glasses.


Barbara and Hiroki are talking about a new condominium.

a Hiroki, I think this condo is perfect for you. It has everything.

b The living room and bedroom are just the right size for a bachelor.

a  Right, I`m glad you noticed that. And look over here. The kitchen has been completely remodeled.

b That`s good. I like to cock sometimes. My only issue is this closet. It`s way too small.

a Do you have a lot of clothes?

b I`m a salesperson. I have a lot of suits.

a You can always buy a rolling clothes rack.

b Hhh. I could do that.

key sentence my only issue is this closet.

Hiroki convrys issue of closet to Barbara.

The trouble, problem, issue is that time is very limited.

My biggest concern, worry is that there won`t be enough time.

Tnhere is serious concern about crime.

I have a health problem.

I have a problem sleeping.

I have troble remembering names.

What`s the problem?

My issue is that the only toilet is on the second floor of the house.

The problem is that we don`t have enough plates for the number of guests.

I`m having trouble opening this jar. Could you give it a shot?


Kelly and Professor Peacock are talking.

a Welcome back everybody. Today, we have real treat for you. Please give a round of applause for our guest, archaeologist, Professor Brendan Peacock. Professor, welcome to the show.

b Thank you, Kelly. I`m a fun of your show.

a I have funs?

b Many I`m sure.

a Ah, you are a true gentleman. Professor, you are writing a new book. Can you tell us about it?

b Yes, I`m linking current events with humanity`s origins.

a Sounds interesting. I sense a message.

b Precisely, it is my goal that people recognize we are connected to the past.

key sentence it is my goal that people recognize we are connected to the past.

Professor conveys his goal to Kelly.

My goal, aim is to eliminate poverty.

I will, am going to, want to, would like to become an astronaut.

What is your endgame? My endgame is to open my own restaurant.

It`s my goal is that all of my students have the chance to succeed.

My aim is increase awareness about the dangers of high blood pressure.

I want to become a piano teacher when I `m older.


Two rock group members, Bill and Synthia are talking about their new songs.l

a Cynthia, did you look at the hit`s chart today?

b No, I`ve been busy with other things. What about it?

a Well, two of our band`s new songs are in the top ten! That hasn`t happened in over 15 years.

b Congratulations.

a You don`t sound so happy, Cynthia. I thought you would be.

b Bill, I`ve reached a decision to quit as your manager.

a What? Why? Everything`s going so well for us now.

b I`ve decided to do something totally different.

key sentence I`ve decided to do something totally different.

I made a quick decision to,,

I made a difficult, big, tough, poor decision to,

I`ve reached, come to to,,

That was a tough call. It`s your call,that`s for you to call, it`s up to you.

I`ve decided to sell my house and move to the countryside.

It was a tough call, but finally I can`t help putting my family first.

I `ve reached a decision to step down as a mayor due to helth concerns.



Today`s speech is a talk about Radio Eikaiwa. 

Topic is tell a failure, communicate success, communicate difference, it`s only natural that.

Casper and Alexis are talking his fifure.

a Alexis, have you seen the box for my Zizilla figure?

b You mean the old empty box on the floor?

a Yeah, that one.

b I threw it away last night. Today was the garbage day for cardboard.

a I needed that box, Alexis. It goes with the figure. The figure is worth less without it.

b Oh, I didn`t know. I thought it was garbage. I really messed up.

a To non-collectors, it's garbage, I guess. Not to me, though.

b I should have asked you first.

a Don`t worry about jt. It`s to late to do anything now.

key sentence I really messed up.

Alexis tells her mistake to Casper.

I made a mistake. It`s a mistake to do. I failed lose weight. I`m responsible for the failure.

My barbecue party turned into a fiasco.

The deal fell through. My plan went sideways quickly.

I really messed up. I thought no one was using the conference room.

It`s mistake to think passing my class will be easy.

I failed to keep my word. I'm truly sorry.


Two astronaunts, Akira and Serine are talking.

a Akira, do you see it? It`s earth.

b I`ve never seen anything so beautiful in my life. We made it!

a Yes, the mission was a success.

b Thanks to your great piloting skills, Serine.

a We almost didn`t make it. It was scary when that object hit us.

b But luckily, we repaired the ship.

a Anyway all that is behind us now. What are you going to do first after we touch down, Akira?

b I`m going to Hirotoland!

a Hirotoland!  I love that theme park.

key sentence We made it!

It means the mission is success.

I made it just in time. I made it into Hiroto University.

mission was a success. My son succeeded in passing the entrance exam. My son succeeded as a pro.

All my effort came to fruition. My hard work paid off.

Congratulations! You nailed it. The meeting was a win for everyone.

We nade it, guys!  We got accepted to medical school. Let`s celebrate!

I spoke to my sister, but I only succeeded in making her angrier.

After years of planning and preperation, my dream of climbing Mt. Everest came to fruition.


Gary and Helen are talking about the long book.

a Hey, Helen,  how`s the Tolstoy novel coming along?

b War and Peace?  I`m too busy stadying for final exams to read that long book.. 

a How many pages do you have left?

b About 800?  I`m not sure exactly.

a Why don`t you just watch a movie version of it?

b A movie can be a far cry from the actual novel.

a Well, you can read it during winter break.

b Yes, I`m looking forward to getting back into the story.

key sentence a movie can be a far cry from the actual novel.

It means the movie is different fron the actual novel.

My opinion is different from yours.

Practicing daily make a big difference.

My editor wears the same suit every day.

My plan is similar to, if not the same as yours.

These footprints are identical.

They are birds of a feather, two pear in a pod.

Love and hate are two slides of the same coin.

Their lastest album is a far cry from their first one.

Let`s stop here. Practicing mere than this won`t make a big difference.

My shirt is similar to yours. In fact, it may be identical.


Roxy and her father are talking about working in a hotel.

a Dad, I`m home.

b Welcome back, Roxy. How was work today?

a We were super busy, but it was fun.

b Really? How do you like working in a hotel?

a I `m more interesting than I thought.

b How so?

a I like the mood. All the guests are excited to be there.

b It`s only natural that they are excited. It`s a really nice hotel.

a Exactly, It makes me feel good, too.

b Sound like a nice place to work.

key sentence it`only natural that they are excited.

It means 

It`s normal for a husband to do housework.

Wearing suit is the norm here.

It`s quite common for siblings to agree.

Let`s go to the usual place. I went to the gym and didmy usual. His ideas were run of the mill garden variety, ordinary.

It`s only natural that you have  questions. Ask away.

It`s common for couples to argue now and then. Pay it no mind.

I don`t like to wear fancy clothes.Jeans and a non-run-the-mill shirt are good enough for me.