

1.Today’s lesson is the text book, 'Touchstone3’ unit11, ’impressions’,`Making an impression`.

Tips# I 

2.Here is a talk from Radio Eikaiwa.

Topic is overwhelming, disconfort, admiration and excitment. 

Professor Peacock and Jessica are talking about Atlantis.

a Professor Peacock, that was a fascinating lecture.

b Oh, hi, Jeassica. Thank you. I haven`t seen you recently.

a Yes, it has been a while. You have been busy, I know.

b Not really. Any way, how did you like the videos in my lecture?

a The one of the Great Pyramid was amazing!

b Thank you. I never tire of visiting it.

a I just can`t get my head around the size of it.

b Yes. That ancient people built it is mind-boggling.

a It really is.

key sentence I just can`t get my head around the size of it.

It`s overwhelming. I`m overwhelmed.

It`s mind-boggling.

It`s too much for me to take in. I`m having a hard time taking it all in. This is more than I can handle.

This is beyond me.

I just can`t get my head around how many people live in Tokyo. The town I grew up has only 1200 people.

It `s overwhelming to have a new-born baby.

A lot of parent struggle at first.

I was thinking I was good at mathmatics, but

I can`t get my head around it. It looks like hieroglyphics.


Derek and Doris are talking about his returning to the band.

a Derek, I forgot to tell you. I bumped into Bill and we had coffee together.

b Oh, really? How is he doing?

a Fine. we talked a bit about  your wanting to return to the band.

b What? You talked him that?

a Yes, it is the truth, isn`t it?

b Doris, that was uncalled for. You shouldn`t have said that to him.

a Sorry, but I was just being honest.

b What did Bill say about that idea?

a Well.

key sentence that`s uncalled for.

That`s no need for that. There is no need for that kind of language. That type of language is inappropriate.

You can`t say things like that. Take that back.

Watch your mouth, language.

That`s a bit rude. How rude of you.

That`s downright offensive.

You will speak to me with the proper respect.

Be respectful.

That was uncalled for. You had no right to bring up his past like that.

Take that back.I most certainly do not favor your sister over you. I love you both equally.

That`s a bit rude. You can criticize his management style without saying he`s a bad person.


News caster, Kelly and Roch group member, Bill are talking about his band.

a Today we have a very special guest. It`s my pleasure to welcome Bill Bungalow of the Desperate Rats.

b Thank you for inviting me, Kelly.

a I have wanted to meet you for a long time. I really admire your music.

b Thank you. I appreciate you saying that.

a Bill, the band started back in the 80s. How have you kept it going for so long?

b Well, someone once said `Stay hungry, stay foolish`. That is the secret, I think.

a That`s a great motto!

key sentence I really admire your music.

I appreciate the beauty of Japan, the importance of English education.

I value your time, input, opinion.

Helen looks up to, worships, idolizes her mother.

I want to be more like Hiroshi.

He is my role model.

She makes me feel heard, understood.

I really admire this picture. It captures the essence of the life  during that time period.

I appreciate the craftmanship of this cabinet. Every single part is handmade.

I love Hirosh so much. He always make me feel heard.


A couple,Gary and Helen are talking about the movie.

a Gary, did you get our tickets already?

b Yes, of course. I reserved them online. I got good seats for us.

a Thanks, I`m so excited about this new movie about Atlantis.

b I`m pretty thrilled too, actually. I mean, the script was written by Brendan Peacock.

a The achaelogy professor? I know he`s written a lot of books, but a script, wow.

b I wonder if there really was a civilization called Atlantis.

a Who knows? Maybe there was. Anyway, it`s going to be a lot of fun.

b I can`t wait.

key sentence I`m so excited about this new movie about Atlantis.

The movie was so ecciting. That`s thrilling. I`m thrilled.

It`s going to be fun. I can`t wait!

I`m looking forward the concort, meeting you.

There is never a dull moment. I can`t contain my excitement.

I`m stocked for the concert tomorrow.

We are excited about our trip to Hawaii. I still can`t believe we get to go!

Spring break is just around the corner. I can`t wait! Finally, some time off.


I`m so stoked to go the concrrt. Hiroto 48`s live  shows are absolutely incredible.