



Since October I have interested in English Radio Program., “radio 英会話”

This program consist of 3 parts, 1 is diaglam 2 key sentence 3 practice


Short diagram story is about How to improve English skills.

Two persons are described Native and Japanese student.


Student;  I want to become fluent in English.

Native:   But you are pretty fluent in English.

Student:  No I make lots of mistakes.

Native;   We can lern a lot from our mistakes.

Student:  OK, but I still want to become even better at speaking in English. Any advise?

Native:   Well. Spend at least one hour just speaking in English every day, Don’t use any Japanese

And I recommend listening to English Radio Program and news

Student:  English Radio Program?

Native    Yes. I also need to listen to more of them. Actually, my English is not so good these day.

Diagram is over

Key Sentence is  I want to become fluent English.

The VERB ‘want’  has OBJECT  ‘to become’ that’s to-infinitive.

We don’t say that I want becoming fluent English.



Such verbs as ‘ want’ are decide, promise, hope, plan, agree, expect

I decide to start my company.

I promise not to tell anyone.

I hope to hear you soon.

I’m planning to have a barbecue this Saturday.

They’ve agreed to pay for the damage.

We expect to arrive around lunchtime.


Concerning these verbs, We have the idear ‘direction to the future’ in our mind.