
Today's speech is a talk from ラジオ英会話.

Topic is preposition "in', "on."

Doug and Shiho are talking about their trip to Egypt.

a Shiho, you are just gazing at the clouds. What`s on your mind? 

b I`m just thinking about our trip to Egypt. It was a life-changing experience.

a Really? I didn`t know you were so interested in archaeology. 

b Right, I`ve wanted to visit Egypt since I read Professor Peacock`s book. 

a Which one? 

b The one called Echoes from Beyond Time. 

a Oh, that`s the one about the Sphinx

b Right. But now I need to concentrate on our future. 

Key sentence what`s on your mind.

Effect on Influence on Emphasis on Get on my nerves Put pressure on We need to concentrate on our future.

She hung up on me. He cheat on me. You called the police on me.

Her tennis coach has a positive influence on her.

The pressure is beginning to tell on him. Let`s concentrate on our sales record.


Android Robot Jeannie and Frankie are talking of Dr. Frank.N.Stein.

a Jeannie, what do you think of Dr.Frank.N.Stein? 

b He`s nice. But he can be strict, sometimes. 

a Strict? Can you give an example? 

b Well, once, I got in trouble for dumping garbage on the ground. 

a Yea, I did the same thing. But he designed us so maybe that habit is in him. b Right! You are so smart, Frankie. 

a Can I tell you something, Jeannie? 

b Please, go ahead. 

a I think I`m in love with you. 

b Really? 

Key sentence well, once, I got in trouble for dumping gabarge on the ground.

In the room, the building, Urawa, Japan, the situation, a friendly atmosphere, the dark, the morning, April, 2022, the 21st century.

Look at the guy in the blue jacket, the T-shirt, pajamas.

Look at the guy in the hat, dark glasses.

I`m in love with you.

She is lying in the bed. She is lying on the bed.

Mom is in the garden. Who is the woman in the shocking pink dress?

Are you in love with him?


Roxy`s grandpa andhrandma are talking about Roxy.

a Could you pass the butter, Darlin? 

b Sure. 

a Thank you, you know, I`ve gotten used to seeing Roxy in that chair. I miss her. 

b She will be back in three weeks. 

a Right. I wonder if she is having a good time in Japan? 

b I`m sure she is catching up with mom and dad. 

a You will have to make that seafood paella again. She loves that. 

b Yes, but I put in too much salt last time. I`ll be more careful. 

Key sentence I`ve gotten used to seeing in that chair.

I put in too much salt last time. In my opinion Interested in math

Speak in English Rich in culture Vary in size

Apply in writing

You can write answer in pen or pencil

I`ve been looking forward to seeing you in person.

Do you want to eat in? She is never in when I call her.

Bright colors are in this year.


Professor Peacock and Jessi are talking about his office hours.

a And that concludes my lecture for today. So, everyone, please hand in your assignments next Tuesday. 

b Professor Peacock, you haven`t been available outside of class recently. 

a Oh, hi, Jessica. Yes, I`ve been quite busy. 

b Really? I wonder why? Would you mind if I dropped in later during your office hours today? 

a Sorry, Jessica. I`ve canceled my office hours today. 

b This doesn`t have anything to do with... what was her name again? Oh.. Aki! 

a It doesn`t . 

Key sentence Would you mind if I dropped in later during your office hours today?

hand in your assignments

Fill in this questionare. Believe in you.

Break in

We`ll never give in.

The rainy season has set in.

In time, on time, at time See you in 30 minutes.

Chris is always late handing in his assignments. Don`t give in to their demandes.

Don`t worry. We`ll get to the theater in time.