
Here is a talk from ラジオ英会話.
Topic is negative sentences.
First story is two persons are talking about a concert.
a Hi, Mr. Smith. How was the concert on Saturday?
b It was kind of a disaster, actually.
a Was the performance that bad? It was Brahms' Forth Symphony, right?
b Yes, the perfomance was fine, but I had uncontrollable bouts of coughing. I tried not to cough, but I just couldn't stop.
a Well, those things happen. You shoud try going to a different kind of concert.
b What kind?
a A Desperate Rats rock concert. Nobody will hear you cough.
key sentence is I tried not to cough but I just couldn't stop.
Please not try upset anyone, OK?
I want you not to sing but to dance in our next show.
She got the job not because of her skills but because of her connections.

Second story is two colleagues are talking about their tablet computers.
a Rico, have you used your new tablet computer?
b Yes, it's so convenient and saves a lot of time for many tasks.
a Really? It's kind of hard to use.
a Not everybody is happy about these new devices.
b I'm one of those people. I prefer to use a pen and paper for certain things.
a Come on, Will. We are living in the 21st century!
b OK, I'll try it, but can you give me a hand?
a Of course.
key sentence is not everybody is happy about these new devices.
Not everybody is as gifted as you are.
I'm not really interested in making tons of money.
My personal experience has taught me that the easiest path isnot always the right one.

Third story is two colleagues are talking about Fukuoka.
a How was the business trip to Fukuoka?
b It was great. I have some small presents for you and others.
a Thanks. I bet you ate well. Fukuoka is a food paradise, right?
b It sure is. The sashimi is delicious. We ate at some good places.
a How was the hotel?
b It was just OK. The bed wasn't very comfortable. I couldn't sleep well.
a Well, the company's accommodation budget isn't so generous nowadays.
key sentence is the bed wasn't very comfortable. I couldn't sleep well.
That's not really helpful.
I'm afraid my first date with Masayo didn't go exactly as planned.
Your son isn't the cleverest student I've ever had.

Last story is two persons are talking about socialogy paper.
a Are you still working on your sociology paper, Gary?
b Yes, but I'm having trouble with it, so I 'll never make the deadline.
a When is the deadline?
b Tomorrow afternoon.
a Oh, so soon.
b Yes, I have seen a paper online on exactly the same topic, so I can just copy that.
a I don't think that's a good idea. You could get into big trouble.
b I'm only joking. I'll never do such a thing!
a Good. You had me worried.
key sentence is I don't think that's a good idea.
I don't think I'm ready to take the driving license(test)
I don't expect I'll get the job, but I'll apply anyway.
It doesn't seem that they are very interested in backing our project.