
Today’s lesson is the text book, 'Touchstone2'  unit11  ' Features'.


Here is a talk from ラジオ英会話.

Topic is explanation of a noun using past particle, adjective, that prase, relative pronoun.

First story is Professor and student are talking about a break-in.

a Professor Peacock, what happed to your office?

b Apparently, there was a break-in over the weekend.

a Look at all the books on the floor.

b I know. It's a mess.

a Is anything missing?

b Just a few things. Luckily the things stolen were not so valuable.

a I wonder what the robbers were looking for.

b There are some ancient artifacts could fetch a good price on the illegal  marcket.

a Well, it's good that nobody was hurt.

b Yes.

key sentence is The things stolen were not so valuable.

The dishes cooked by my brother are much tastier than mine.

The files hacked from my PC were not so important.

Here are some of the artifacts during our excavations.


Second story is 2 colleagues are talking about heatstroke.

a Jimmy, where were you yesterday?

b Sorry,  I had to take a day off. I was in the hospital for most of the afternoon.

a Hospital? What's wrong?

b Well, on Sunday, I played tennis for too long in the scorching heat. I was treated for heatstroke.

a Heatstroke? Are you OK?

b Don't worry. It's a very mild case - nothing serious at all.

a You should remember to drink lots of water, even if you aren't thirsty.

I know.That's what the doctor said.

key sentence is It's a very mild case-nothing serious at all.

I 'm in the mood for something sweet.

Have you noticed anything unusual about him recently?

I know nobody that matches her language skills.


Third story is 2 prsons are talking about winning lottery.

a Hiroki, you seem to be in a great mood today!

b Do I? I'm just having a good day.

a I heard a rumour that something lucky happed to you.

b How did you know? I didn't tell anyone here about that.

a So, it's true?

b You mean about me winning the lottery?

a What? No, that's not the rumour I heard. How much money did you win?

b Never mind. Why is everyone goshipping about me anyway?

key sentence is I heard a rumour that something lucky happened to you.

Have you heard a news that Bianca is expecting?

I really love the proposal that we need to creat more bicycle lane.

Where did you catch up with the idea that we are getting a pay raise?


Last story is a daughter and her father are talking about making madelaine cakes.

a Wow, look at all these madeleine cakes. Where did you buy them?

b I made them, Roxy.

a  Really? How did you make the shell pattern?

b  I used a special baking pan I bought online.

a Why did you start baking cakes, Dad?

b I saw a video and wanted to see if I could make them.

a Can I try one?

b Sure.

a Yuck! It doesn't taste sweet at all.

b Oh, no! I forgot to add the sugar.

key sentence is I used a special baking pan I bought online.

These are the shoes I bought in the sale.

Can you give  me back the CD I lent you.

I haven't had time to check you paper you handed in last week.


I borrowed a book at the library.

I rented a car at a rental company.

You lent me this book.  (lend lent lent)