
Today’s speech is a talk from ラジオ英会話.

Topic is Scrips of greeting.

First story is that After joining a company, two newcomers are talking about the orientation.

a Hello, I don't believe we've met. My name is Jerry.

b Paula. Nice to meet you. How did you like the orientation?

a It was interesting, but there was too much information. It was a bit overwheleming .

b I know.But I like this company.  There are many employees from other contries.

a That's true. What department will you be working in?

b The IT department.

a Oh, so you are good with computers.

b Not really. I have a lot to learn.

key sentence is that Hello, I don't believe we've met. My name is Jerry. Paula. Nice to meey you.  This scene is first meeting.

Hi. Nice to meet you.This is quite a party, don't you think?

Hello, I'm Gavin from Hiroto Corporation.

It' a pleasure to meet you.

I don't believe we've met. I'm Luke from Rajiei Academy. What doyo think of the conference so far? 


Second story is that A youtuber and her fan are talking about her channel.

a Nice to meet you. I've been looking forward to seeing you in person.

b Me too. It's always a pleasure to meet the fans of my channel.

a Diana, you dont't know how much your videos have helped me.

b I'm happy to hear that. It means a lot to me.

a Seriously, I 've watched every single video you've ever posted.

They are so inspiring and encouraging to me.

b Thank you. And your comments encourage me to make the channel even better.

key sentence is that Nice to meet you. I've been looking forward to seeing you in person.

The fan has desired the youtuber to meet in person for a long time.

I'm pleasure to meet you. Ken often talks about you.

It's so nice to finally get to meet you.And I can't wait to taste some of the gourmet dishes your husband never stops talking about!

It's honor to meet you, sir.You are a living legend in our industry.


Third story is that A staff greets the IT industry woman who he invited.

a I 'd just like to say welcome to our event today.

It' a pleasure to have you here.

b Thank you. I'm surprised to see so many people.

a Actually, I'm not, Ms. Sasaki. You're a famous IT industry leader in this country.

b Well, I'm one of many.

a I'm sure you will provide us with the latest information.

b I'll do my best and take questions at the end.

a Excellent, well, let's get started.


key sentence is that I'd just like to say welcome to our event today.

It's a pleasure to have you here.

If we greet someone who invited, we can say this phrase.

A warm welcome to you all. I'm looking forward to sharing lots of exciting ideas with you in this seminar.

Thanks for accepting our dinner invitation.

We hope you'll be very happy in our neighborhood.

Thanks for coming, guys.Your friendship means a lot to me.


The last story is that two staffs are talking about the room allocations for lectures.

a Hey, Alan. Can I have a word? We have a big proglem.

b Really? What kind of proglem?

a The room allocations of the lectures aren't correct.

b Are you sure?  I got the data from Kelly in an email two weeks ago.

a I know, but they made several changes at the last minute.

b OK, I can fix that very easily. Is there anything else?.

a No. That's it.

b Well, it wasn't really a big proglem, was it? 


key sentence is that Hey, Aran. Can I have a word? We have a big problem.

If we ask someone to spare us time, we can say this phrase.

Hey, Terry. Can I have a word?I'm worried about Hellen.

Hi, Shella. Do you have a minute?I would like to talk about the agenda for Friday's meeting.

Hey, Marisela. Have you got a sec?

I was wlndering if you would like to have a dinner with me tonight.


Today's chips in the class


(1) express one’s condolence

(2) round number… 50,  60 years old….

(3) Dutch courage   when one is drunken, one gets encouraged. (酔えば 勇気がでる)

(4) Go Dutch...split the bill 〈割り勘)

(5) It’s all greek to me...I can’t understand.〈わからない)

(6) French leave…  means be absence without notice (無断欠勤)  

(7) Excuse me French… bad wrong words(汚い言葉の後、済みませんと謝罪する)


During the class, one member taught all other members how to draw sketches objectives.
