
「楽しい英会話」’s lesson is held 4 times a month on every Wednesday.

As today (July 29) is the fifth Wednesday, class is closed.


Here is a talk from ラジオ英会話.

Today's topic is concluding remarks.

First story is that a player and the coach come up with the best idea to strengthen team spirit.

a I've now lost five matches in a row. If this continues, we'll get relegated.

b There's no way we can let that happen. We have to do something now.

a Do you have any suggestions?

b May I suggest we add two more practice sessions a week?

a That sounds heavy, but let's try it.

b And let's do some fun activities to strengthen team spiirit.

a To sum up, let`s do everything possible to avoid relegation.

key sentence is that  To sum up, let's do everything possible to avoid relegation.

To sum up, we must target new markets to ensure our survival.

Let me summerize the main points of my presentation.

In coclusion, I'd like to thank you once again for inviting me to speak this evening.


Second story is that the shaved ice machine is a smash hit so that two maker staffs are running out of stock.

a I can't believe these sales figures. Our new product is selling like hot cakes!

b Yes, the shaved-ice machine is a smash hit!

Apparently, more and more people want to make wine-flavored shaved ice.

a That' s great, but we are running out of stock.

b But orders are comming in shick and fast.

a I see. We need to make more machines quickly.

b It takes time to make them.

a So, the bottom line is that we need to hire more people.


key sentence is the bottom line is that we need hire more people.

The bottom line is that we need to come up with a solution by tomorrow.

Let me say get straigh to the bottom line.

When all is said or done, I think our presentation went pretty well.


Third story is that the world's first real robot was born. Dr and the robot are talking.

a It's alive! It's alive! The world's first real humanoid robot!

b Thank you for creating me. Dr. Frank.N.Stein.

a I love your beautiful voice.

b Thank you. What's my name, Dr?

a Oh, I haven't thought about that. You can choose your own name.

b I like the name Jeannie.

a Oh, Little Jeannie. Excellent choice.

b What kind of robot am I?

a You are smart, funny and efficient. You are, in short, perfect.

b Thank you Dr.


key sentence is You are smart, funny and efficient. You are, in short, perfect.

In short, you have to rewrite the entire script.

To put it brief, the feedback of your presentation

was extremely positive.

In a nutshell, we screwed up!


Last story is that the Chairperson of the neighborhood community submitted a proposal of the Bon festival to a city official.

a Have you read our plan for the Bon F


b Yes I have. On the whole, I like your plan.

But some changes need to be made.

a Can you be more specific?

b First of all, you cannot have any fireworks.

a I see. we thought small ones would be OK,

but I understand.

b Second, alcoholic drinks are not permitted.

a OK, that's fine. Is there anything else we should change?

b I think that's it.


key sentence is On the whole, I like your plan. But some changes need to be made.

On the whole, you can be very satisfied with your first-ever presentation . Well done.

All in all, we can look forward for a bright future.

The response was positive on the whole, there are lots of room for improvement.


I think it’s covenient for presenttion to use these concluding remarks.