
Today's presentation is a sad news from The Japan News.

 Tetsu Nakamura, a doctor and local representative of the nongovernmental organization Peshawar-kai, who was shot to death by members of an unidentified armed group

 last Wednesday in eastern Afghanistan.

In 1984, Nakamura was assigned to a hospital in Peshawar, Pakistan.

He worked hard for medical assistance.

In 2000, following a major drought in Afghanistan, he shifted his focus from medical assistance to irrigation projects and agricultural assistance.

Seeing children suffering from dysentery after drinking muddy water, he said “Hunger cannot be cured by medicine. One canal, rather than 100 clinics, is needed.”

“Although he had no experience in civil engineering, he learned the knowledge by himself and dug wells and constructed canals. 

Since 2003, Nakamura had provided water to 16,500 hectares of farmland to support 650,000 people by building irrigation canals with Afghan residents. 

In many places across Afghanistan on Thursday, condolences continued to be offered. 

We have lost one of the most important people who could be proud to the world.

I would like to give him my condolences.


Unfortunately I have no time for that.

I could not speak about a talk from ラジオ英会話

First story is   2 colleagues are talking about one's work. 

a Good morning, David. You are look sleepy.

b Yes, last night, I was so tired I couldn't sleep.

a What made you so tired?

b I kept thinking about my new position. I have so much responsibility now.

a Just take it easy. I'm sure you can handle it.

b Thanks, Naoko. I hope so. I need to get enough sleep every night.

a Try drinking hot chamomile tea in the morning.

It should help.

key sentence is I was so tired I could'nt sleep.

It rained so hard that I got wet.

I was so nervous that I forgot most of my speech.

The pickpocket was wearing a food, so I wasn't able to see his face.

The movies are so funny that I couldn't stop laughing.


Story is  a couple is talking about christmass cake.

a SO, did you order the Christmass cake?

b Oh, sorry. I meant to do it right after work, but I was too tired to think of it.

a Don't worry. I guess things must be pretty hectic at your store.

b Yes. The Christmass season is horrendous for the sales staff, but fantastic for the sales!

a Well. I have an easy schedule tomorrow, so I will go directly to the cake shop and make the order.

b Thanks a lot, sweetie.

key sentence is I was too tired to think of it.

He is too stingy to buy us a drink.

Sorry, but I was too busy to talk right now.

He was too proud to admit he was wrong.

Next adverb and then
Story is 2 colleagues are talking about a trip to the U.S.

a How was your trip to the U.S?

b It was great. The meeting in San Francisco was quite productive.

a You had a few extra days after the meeting, right?

b Yes, we went to Los Angeles and then to Las Vegas.

a Did you drive or take a plain?

b We flew. Here, I got a souvenir for you.

a Wow,  I love this key chain. It says, ' Welcome to Fabulous Las Vegas.'

b It really is a fabulous place.

key sentence is  We went to LosAngeles and then Las Vegas.

I was a bachelor then.

A big typhoon's coming.

We 'd better cancel classes, then.

If he is refusing to do it, then I guess I'll have to.

One o'clock at Denny's? Fine. See you then.

You've lost five kiros? That diet really works, then.

If Debby is going to the party, then I'll definitely go.

Next yet

Story is A mother and her son are talking about tomorrow's test.

a Have you finished all the preperation for tomorrow's test yet?

b No, not yet.

a But It's a really important test, isn't it?  You don't have time to play video games.

b Don't worry, Mom. I have finished most of it  already. I 'm taking a break.

a Well, if you get it all done soon, I'll give a special treat for you.

b What kind of treat?

a Home-made cream puffs, your favorite dessert.

b  OK, Mom.  I'll get back to work right away.

key sentence is Have you finished all the preperation for tomorrow's test yet?

No, not yet.

Don't worry. She may yet chage her mind.

Your paper is pretty good, yet there is still 

room for improvement.

Has the slumber come to fix the leak yet?

I haven't made up my mind yet.

I've already seen that movie 10 times.

Today's chips in the class

I have a fever. I think I'm getting the flu.

I have a bad cough. I'm coughing a lot.

I have a stomachache.  I often get stomachaches.

I have a toothache.

I hardly ever get headaches, but I have one now.

I have a cold and a sore throat.I get a lot of colds.

I feel sick. I often get sick when I eat shellfish.

I have allergies. I'm sneezing all the time, and my eyes itch. I have a runny nose. 



