
On new year's I had so fun time with my family.

Second day we went Sunshine60' s aquarium, My grand daughter was pleased.

By the way, I was interested in English radio program ラジオ英会話.

 Topic is  “Wh question” it's so complicated.

Diagram’s story is that A couple are worried about their daughter’s shopping.

Wife says   Did you know Cindy called  TV Market Now?

Husband  says  Who did you say Cindy called?

Wife says   TV Market Now “the home shopping TV channel. She wanted to order some sneakers.

Husband  says What? I can’t believe that she did that without our permission.Where is she now?

Wife says  Calm down. She wasn’t actually able to buy them because the operator sensed she was just a little girl. He tole her to ask her parents first.

Husband  says That’s very good of the operator to do that. But we should still have words with Cindy to make sure she never does it again.

Diagram is over.

Key sentence

Who did you say Cindy called?

Verb call lacks in the object.  In Japanese あなたはCindyが誰に電話したと言ったか?

Who did you say called Cindy?

Verb call lacks in the subject.  In Japanese あなたは誰がCindyに電話したと言ったか?


Which dance partner did everyone think I fancied?

 But I made mistakes. That is key sentence

In stead of that "Who did you say cindy called?",  "Who did you know cindy called?".

And 2 pronunciations

alternative and appripriate