
1.Today’s lesson is the text book, 'Touchstone3’ unit9, ’Tech savvy’,’Identity theft’ 2.Here is a talk from Radio Eikaiwa Topic is disagreement. Dr.Stein and Jeannie are talking. a Dr. Stein, why did you creat me and Frankie? b Wow, what`s…


This morning I was shocked to watch TV, BS1 World News, Hamas`s invasion into Israel. 150 hostages were hold and their lives are dangerous. I wish they all could be saved. By the way, today`s speech is a talk about Radio Eikaiwa. Topic is …




1.Today’s lesson is the text book, 'Touchstone3’ unit9, ’Tech savvy’,’Identity theft’ 2.Here is a talk from Radio Eikaiwa Topic is fresh ideas. Dr.Stein and Jeannie are talking about Frankie. a Dr.Stein, can I ask you a question about Fran…




Today`s speech is a talk about Radio Eikaiwa. Topic: Someone urges others to change their behavior. Jeannie and Frankie are talking. a So, Frankie, how did you like the onsen in Japan? b The water was too hot. a It felt fine to me. b Andro…


1.Today’s lesson is the text book, 'Touchstone3’ unit9, ’Tech savvy’,’on the other hand’ 2.Here is a talk from Radio Eikaiwa Topic is blame. Someone urges people to change their behavior. Jeremy and Ayako are talking. a Jeremy! I thought I…


Today`s speech is a talk about Radio Eikaiwa. Topic is praise and encouragement….well done, response to a situation, appreciate the quality of partner and bring someone closer together. Mr.Morikawa and his colleague, Yuriko are talking. a …


慶應義塾塾歌 (富田正文作詞、信時潔作曲/昭15) 1.見よ 風に鳴るわが旗を 新潮(にいじお)寄するあかつきの 嵐の中にはためきて 文化の護りたからかに 貫き樹てし誇あり 樹てんかなこの旗を 強く雄々しく樹てんかな ああ わが義塾 慶應 慶應 慶應 2…

Online English conversation Sep.10


1.Today’s lesson is the text book, 'Touchstone3’ unit9, ’Tech savvy’,’How things work’ Tips, plug it in.…差し込む hook it up….つなぐ 2.Here is a talk from Radio Eikaiwa Topic is encouragement. Two frequent phases, good situation and having…


1.Today’s lesson is the text book, 'Touchstone3’ unit9, ’Tech savvy’,’Tech support’ Tips Tech savvy….機械得意 My computer won`t turn on….何回もダメ It keeps freezing….フリーズしっぱなし device.... necesary things gadget....convenient thing…


Today`s speech is a talk about Radio Eikaiwa. Topic is to draw judgement, experience, recommendation and goal. Sally and Bob are talking about her paintings. a Sally, how is the painting coming along? b I`m not sure. Am I on the right trac…


Today`s speech is a talk about Radio Eikaiwa. Topic is draw permission, opinions, advice and impression. Hotel staff and two androids, Jeannie and Frankie are talking. a Excuse me, b Yes? How may I help you? b Oh, great, you can speak Engl…


朝日新聞に次の記事がありましたので転載します。 『「ナチス、良いことも」に回答、反響 研究者がブックレット、1週間で3刷』 第2次世界大戦の惨禍を招き、ユダヤ人を大量虐殺したナチス・ドイツ。でも、経済を立て直し、手厚い福祉政策を実現するなど、…


1.Today’s lesson is the text book, 'Touchstone3’ unit8, 'What if’,’Any regrets ’ Review Tips laid-back…easy-going のんびり slow down and take each day as it comes …take it easy and live a slow-life. I`d try to make a difference in people`s…

朝日author visit

朝日author visit に興味ある記事がありました。 堤さん今村さんの記事から本を読む大切さがわかります。尾木さんの自己肯定感、池上さんの勉強の意義もなるほどと思いました。 ■オーサー・ビジット 本の著者が各地の学校を訪ねて特別授業をする読書推進事業…


Today`s speech is a talk about Radio Eikaiwa. Topic is attention,warning,forbiding and asking. Restaurant server and a guest are talking. a Excuse me. I`m sorry to interrupt your meal. b No problem. Is something the matter? a Several other…


マイナンバーカード コロナショック・ドクトリン 脱炭素ユートピアの先


1.Today’s lesson is the text book, 'Touchstone3’ unit8, 'What if’,’Any regrets ’ Tips (1) laid-back…easy-going のんびり (2) slow down and take each day as it comes…take it easy and live a slow-life. (3) I`d try to make a difference in peop…

野中広務 差別と権力 魚住昭著

権謀術数を駆使する老獪な政治家として畏怖された男、野中広務。だが政敵を容赦なく叩き潰す冷酷さの反面、彼には弱者への限りなく優しいまなざしがあった。出自による不当な差別と戦い続け、頂点を前に挫折した奇跡を辿る講談社ノンフェクション受賞作。 加…


Today`s speech is a talk about Radio Eikaiwa. Topic is instruction. Casper and Alexis are talking. a Casper, thanks for making a dinner tonight. It was great. b Thanks, I found the recipe on the internet. Hamberg steak with mushroom gravy.…


6月26日 もう一度行きたくなる。


朝日新聞 6月28日 インタビュー記事 要点 1.グローバル化の結果 GNP 1960年の60倍 G7のシェア65%から46パーセント貧富の分断 教育による富裕層の固定化 負のグローバル化 メリトクラシー(能力主義▪実績主義至上主義) 徳のないリーダー(トランプ …


1.Today’s lesson is the text book, 'Touchstone3’ unit8, 'What if’,’if I were you’ 2.Here is a talk from Radio Eikaiwa.. Topic is advice, promise, direct. Two android robots are talking. a I like this park. I sometimes come here with Dr.Fra…


Today`s speech is a talk about Radio Eikaiwa. Topic is advice. Two astronauts are talking about an alien, zaytox. a Mars Base to Houston, this is Akira. Can you hear me? b Copy, Mars Base. Good to see you, Akira. a I`m very good to see you…

Online English conversation Jun.20

Festival Question


1.Today’s lesson is the text book, 'Touchstone3’ unit8, 'What if’,’life’s little dilemmas’ 2.Here is a talk from Radio Eikaiwa.. Topic is recommendation. Foreign student,Tomath and his host mother,Yuri are talking. a I cant`t believe I wil…


Today`s speech is a talk about Radio Eikaiwa. Topic is suggestion. Haiku club members, Mr.Emori and Cyndy are talking. a Oh, it`s stoped raining. b Yes, but it`s rare to see the blue sky these days. a Since rainy season has started. b That…


歴史から学ぶ政治参加の意義 温故知新 小山俊樹 今、民主主義が機能不全状態。 選挙と参加型民主主義 政治参加がもたらす効用 英キャロクル ぺイトマン ルソー援用 教育的機能 アマチュアの有権者がまずは身近な問題に目を向けて関心を広げ全体により良い生…