
Online English Conversation lesson by skype(20230124)

Listen to the audio and write the address. 1 150 church street 2 68 C Bridge Lane 3 52 Burlingto. Road 4 Three West street 5 94 akrots Way 6 Fiat two four sleet Street 7 63 Vreen Avenue 8 54 Station Road 9 102 Sea View Crescent 10 41 Drumm…


Here is a talk from Rajio Eikaiwa. Topic is general people(you, we, they), what`s that.. it is, it..to and it…that. Mr Smith and Miss Jet are talking. a Mr.Smith, what are you listening to? b Brahms Third Symphony. a You really like that s…


Today`s speech is a talk about Radio Eikaiwa. Topic is countable noun and uncountable noun. A couple are talking. a Kelly, my parents are coming over for dinner on Sunday. b This coming Sunday? We have to clean up the apartment. a I`ll hel…

Online English Conversation lesson by skype(20230113)

Tom’s sponcered walk Does Tom currently serve in the army? No,he doesn’t, because he is an Army veteran. How much did he hope to raise ? It’s 1000 pounds Where was his sponsored walk to take place? It was his back garden. Tom eventually ra…


Here is a talk about Radio Eikaiwa. Roxy and her Granpa are talking about dinner. a Roxy, Grandma has made dinner for us. b It smells wonderful. What is it? a Roast beef and mashed potato. We used to eat it every Sunday. b Grandma is such …


1月7日午前11時よりBS1で再放送します。 欲望の資本主義2023 逆転のトライアングルに賭ける時 初回放送日: 2023年1月1日 2017年から新春恒例、異色の経済教養ドキュメント。インフレ、乱高下する円、エネルギー問題、膨張する債務…。混迷の中、世界…