
運動会 20190928



草場一壽( 陶彩画家) 沖縄のお葬式がにぎやかだという。今の自分があるのはじぶんを産んだおかあさんのおかげ。そのおかあさんはそのまたおかあさんのおかげ。さらに~ご祖先さまのおかげ。おかげさまで今のじぶんがある。ひとはいつかは亡くなるが、故人の…


Today's presentation is a talk from ラジオ英会話. Topic is verb ask, persuade At first, ask Story is Two persons are talking about thir colleague, Nadea's farewell party. a I heard Nadea is leaving the company. That' s a big surprising. b …


Today's presentation is a talk from ラジオ英会話. Topic is an oral verb, speak, chat, say, tell. At first, speak story is 2 persons are talking about how to give a presentation. a Can you give me some advice? b Sure. What's up? a I need to…


Today's presentation is a talk from ラジオ英会話. The verbs of perception, auditory verb and so on. "hear, listen, feel" First, hear story is two person are talking about the common acquaintant; Taro Tanaka. a I'm sorry to bother you guys …


Today's presentation is a talk from ラジオ英会話. Topic is verbs of perception visual basic type verb ' look' and visual secondly verb 'eye'. look story is that a couple have a date at amusementpark. a That ride was so much fun. b Yes, I h…