

Today's presentation is a bit old article from World NHK JAPAN. Topic is Wealth gap The wealth gap between (the) rich and (the) poor has been widening in the last 10 years. An international NGO says the number of billionaires worldwide has…


Today's presentation is about ラジオ英会話 as usual. Topic is verb; build and ruin At first build dialog a Do you want see the latest photes of Duke? b Sure, he must be pretty big by now. a You can say that again. Take a look. b Wow! He's …


Today's presentation theme from ラジオ英会話. Topics are verbs ; possess, include. At first possess Diagram's story is a talk of a company's president and an interviewer. a Thank you for taking time for this interview. b My pleasure. I lov…


Today's presentation is theme from ラジオ英会話. Topic are verbs 'develop' and 'place'. <At first> develop diagram's story is Two coworkers, one is elder. a How can I help you? b Well, I have what I think is a brilliant startup idea. But I'm stuck. </at>…