




(ひもとく)五百旗頭真の仕事 品格と責任感を持った政治学者 細谷雄一






 その五百旗頭氏が、米国の対日占領研究へと向かったのは、もう一人の恩師で国際政治学者の高坂正堯教授が米国での一カ月ほどの研究調査に行くよう促したからであった。その研究は大著として結実し、そこから派生した一般向けの書籍が『占領期 首相たちの新日本』(講談社学術文庫・1518円)である。







 五百旗頭氏の人生に、巨大な衝撃が与えられた。それは、一九九五年一月一七日の阪神・淡路大震災の、自宅での被災である。地震学者としてではなく、政治学者として、そして歴史家として、その記録を綴(つづ)り、その意味を深く考えたのが、『大災害の時代 三大震災から考える』(岩波現代文庫・1573円)である。





 いおきべ・まこと 1943年生まれ。2024年3月6日、急性大動脈解離で死去。80歳。写真は15年7月、取材に戦後70年の日本政治と外交を語った


 ◇ほそや・ゆういち 慶応大学教授(国際政治) 71年生まれ。著書に『国際秩序』など。



Today`s speech is a talk about Radio Eikaiwa. 

Topic “If it's in subject position, it's the subject”, transitive verb, intransitive verb.

Bob and Sally are talking about Sally`s painting.

a Bob, do you remember that watercolor I painted?

b The one with the white horse?

a Yes, I entered it in an art contest. And I won second place.

b Really? Congratulations! I knew it was special when I saw it.

a To tell the truth, it was not  confident, but I did my best.

b I know you did. To do your best is important.

And other people can see that.

a I want to keep painting more.

b You should. I look forward to your next painting, Sally.

key sentence to do your best is important. It means 

“If it's in subject position, it's the subject”.

To relax is important. To forgive is important.

To learn a new skill is challenging.

To prepare is essential. To make mistakes is natural.

To take  notes during meetings is normal.


Takuma and Kelly are talking about videos on ramen.

a Takuma, it`s time for bed. We have an early flight tomorrow.

b OK. Give me a few minutes.

a Aren`t you sleepy? Watching videos for long hour is not good for your eyes.

b I know, but I want to check out more ramen shops.

a Is that what you are watching?

b Yes, I`m looking forward to eating real ramen in Japan again.

a Me too. Ramen is too expensive here in states.

b Exactly. Man, all the foreign tourists making these videos know good places in Japan.

key sentence watching videos for long hour is not good for your eyes.

It means 

“If it's in subject position, it's the subject”.

Wating is  difficult. Swimming is fun.

Making friends is not easy.

Jogging is good for your health.

Making rice ball is simple. I`ll teach you.

Eating rice with fork is tough. May I use a spoon?


Jenniifer and Tyler are talking about Jennifer`s sister.

a Jennifer, how was your trip to Japan?

b Oh, it was wonderful, Tyler. I want to go back next year.

a Did you do a lot of sight seeing?

b Not so much this time. I was spending time with my sister, Carolyn.

a Your sister lives in Japan, right?

b Yeah, she runs a vegan ramen restaurant in Tokyo.

a That`s right! When did she start that?

b She opened the shop in 2012.

a Wow, that`s a long time ago.

b She is doing well.

key sentence she runs a vegan ramen in Tokyo.

Run means transitive verb.

Sam opened the door.  I trust him.

Ben had a guitar.  I wear glasses.

John writes music. He is a composer.

Takeo makes complex origami. He is very talented.

I love the stories you tell. They are very exciting.


Cindy and Mr.Emori are talking in Chichibu.

a I can`t believe I`ve never been here before.

b Same here. I didn`t know about  Chichibu. This place feels like Nikko.

a You can say that again. There are some really beautiful shrines here.

b I want to go back to Mitsumine Shrine again.

a Me too. I wanted to write a hike about it.

b Yike! Mr. Emori, the tour buss is leaving in three minites.

a Oh, no! Let`s go.

b Run faster, or we`ll be late.

a Don`t worry. They won`t leave without us.

key sentence run faster.

Run means intransitive verb.

The train departed. I work in Yokohama.

I looked for my watch. We are waiting for the bus.

The water is boiling. Turn off the stove.

I live on the fourth floor. Come visit anytime.

I`m looking for my dog. He ran away.



朝日新聞に久々オーサービジットが掲載されました。(3月31日付) 転載させていただきます。

(オーサー・ビジット 作家が教室へ!)感じる心、育んで未来へ







 ■夢追って、人生おもしろく 作家・今村翔吾さん@山口市立大殿中













  • 山口市古熊、全校274人。授業を受けたのは1年3組の33人(1月実施)。



 ★『戦国武将を推理する』 NHK出版新書・1188円

 ★『茜唄』 角川春樹事務所・上下各1980円

 ★『火喰鳥 羽州ぼろ鳶(とび)組』 祥伝社文庫・895円


 ■頭で問い直し、判断して ジャーナリスト・堤未果さん@埼玉県立久喜北陽高校













  • 埼玉県久喜市久喜本、全校917人。授業を受けたのは2年生16人(2月実施)。



 ★『堤未果ショック・ドクトリン』 幻冬舎新書・1034円

 ★『社会の真実の見つけかた』 岩波ジュニア新書・1034円

 ★『ルポ 食が壊れる 私たちは何を食べさせられるのか?』 文春新書・990円


 ■自分のこと、好きですか? 教育評論家・尾木直樹さん@高岡市立横田小(富山)












  • 富山県高岡市宮田町、全校142人(昨年12月)。全児童と保護者など約200人が参加(2月実施)。



 ★『尾木ママのQ&A「子育て・教育」ホントのところ』 第三文明社・1320円

 ★『学習まんが小学生日記 尾木ママと考える!ぼくらの新道徳1 いじめのこと』 小学館・1100円

 ★『学習まんが小学生日記 尾木ママと考える!ぼくらの新道徳2 友達のこと』 小学館・1100円)


 ◇ご意見・ご感想は、〒104・8011(住所不要)朝日新聞文化部内 読書推進事務局まで。メールはdokusho-ouen@asahi.comへ。本の情報サイト「好書好日」(https://book.asahi.com/)で各授業の様子をより詳しく紹介しています。



Today`s speech is a talk about Radio Eikaiwa.


Regain the right to speak,refuse to have a conversation,consider the feelings of others,relieve a shock.

AN astronaut, Akira and a news caster,Kelly are talking.

a Today we have a very special guest. I would like to welcome to the show astronaut Kuze Akira.

b Thank you Kelly. It`s great to be here.

a I`m sure you mean here on Earth.

b Exactly. You know where I`ve just come from.

a I do, Kellly, Akira, You survived on Mars longer than any human being in history.

b Yes, it was a very difficult experience, but I...

a And as you a Japanese astronaut...

b If I could just finish.

a Oh, sorry, go ahead.

b It was difficult, but I did it my way.

key sentence if I could just finish.

Akira regains the right to speak.

Just hear me out. Hang on a minute. Just a minute. wait a minute.

Listen. Do you mind? I haven`t finished.

Could you ask you to hold any questions until I`ve finished.

I hear you, and I will certainly address that point later.

Just hear me out. I think you`ll agree with me once you see the whole pictute.

Do you mind? Were close to the end of the presentation.Please patient.

Could you ask you to hold any questions until I`ve finished.The presentation may cover what your question is about.


A real estate agent,Barbara and Yoshi are talking at a gym.

a Hi, Barbara. That`s your name, right?

b Yes, thank you for remembering.

a My name is Yoshi.

b Yes, I think you told me before.

a Thank you for teaching me how to use this machine.

b Sure, no problem. You can put it on a higher setting, you know.

a Well, I like this easy setting. By the way, how old are you?

b Um, that`s none of your business.

a Right, sorry. I don`t know why I said that.

b No worries. OK,  I`m done. See ya!

key sentence that`s none of your business.

Barbara refuses to have a conversation.

Keep out of it. It`s not your concern. mind your own business.

Come off it.

Keep your nose out of other people`s my business.

Don`t stick your nose where it doesn`t belong, where it isn`t wanted. Butt out!  leave me.alone.

That`s none of your businrss. What I do outside of work is my problem, not yours.

Keep out of it . This has nothing to do with you. This is between Billy and me.

Leave me alone. I don`t want to talk about it, not with you or anyone.


Mr.Morikawa and Cyndy are talking about Masaoka Shiki.

a So, here we are in Matsuyama. It`s good to be here again.

b It`s so quiet and peaceful. I can see why this place is famous for haiku.

a Me too. The great haiku poet Masaoka Shiki is from here.

b Masaoka Shiki`s haiku are quite interesting.

a Yes, he is known far and wide for his writings.

a I don`t mean to be rude, but he is not so well known outside of Japan.

b Well, he was good friends with Natsume Soseki.

a Oh, yes, the famous novelist. Soseki is pretty well known.

key sentence I don`t mean to be rude, he is not so well known outside of Japan.

Cyndy considers the feelings of others.

No disrespect intended, but....

With all due respect,..

No offence, to you, but..

Sorry, excuse me, but..

I hope you don`t mind, me saying, but..

Forgive me for asking, but..

I don`t mean this in a bad way, but...

I don`t mean to be rude, but that just sounds like an excuse to me.

With all due respect, we tried your ideas and none of them wprked . It`s time for a new approach.

I hope you don`t mind, but this is not the first time I`ve heard a salesperson make such a promise.


Android robots,Jeannie and Frankie are talking about Dr.Stein.

a Frankie, I`m back. Where`s Dr.Stein?

b Jeannie, please sit down.

a Why, what`s wrong?

b It`s hard to tell you this. but Dr. Stein is in the hospital.

a What? What happened?

b He fell down and broke his hip.

a We have to go to the hospital. He`s our father.

b I agree. We should bring him some flowers.

a Flower, right. Let`s go to a flower shop. No gardens this time, OK?

b I learned my lesson. Can I go to with you?

a Yes, let`s go.

key sentence It `s hard to tell you this but Dr. Stein is in the hospital.

Frankie relieves a shock.

It`s hate to say this, but.. It pains me to say this, but..

I don`t know how to say, put this, but

I`m afraid .., but . we regret to tell you this,...

I regret to innform you that...

Unfortunately, Actually, I `m too busy at the moment.

It`s hard to tell you this, but we`ve chosen another personto give  the presentation. I hope you understand.

I regret to inform you that your application has not been accepted.

Unfortunately, your bags were loaded on to a different plane. They were sent to Chicagoby mistake.



1.Toda’s lesson is the text book, 'Touchstone3’ unit11, ’impressions’,`making an impression`.




2.Here is a talk from Radio Eikaiwa.


Dr.Downs and Mergan are talking about an Alien,Zaytox.

a Dr.Downs, how long has it been since Zaytox escaped from here?

b It`s been about a year, I think.

a You have no clue where he is?

b Nothing concrete. But while we`re on the subject of Zaytox, we`ve found something unusual.

a Something unusual?

a Yes. Are you familir with online gaming?

b A little.

There is a shogi player  logging in from Japan who is beating everyone in the world.

b So what?

a The player`s avater is Vegan 1. Or maybe it`s Vegan1.

b Huh! It might be Zaytox. He could be in Japan.

key sentence While we are on the topic of Zaytox, we`ve found something unusual.

Come to think of it...  Speaking of food,...

That reminds me.

That song brings to mind, take me back to, reminds me of my childhood.

While we are on the vsubject of borrowing things, can I have my hoodie back? It`s my favorite one.

Speaking of food, I`m starving.Anyone else want to grab a bite.

That reminds me. I brought you a souvenir from my trip.


Roxy”s grandparents are talking about Roxy.

a Care for some more tea, dear?

b Thank you, darlin. I`ll have another piece of toast.

a Be careful with the butter. You always use too much.

b I like butter.

a A little is enough. Oh, before I forget, I received a birthday card from Roxy

b How sweat of her to remember your birthday.

b How sweet of her to remember your birthday.

a Yes, she is very sweet. I miss her.

b I wonder if she will stay with us again.

a I`m sure she will.

key sentence befor I forget, I received a birthday card from Loxy.

Changing the subject, we need a theme for tomorrow`s meeting.

On another, a different note, we need a theem for tomorrow`s meeting.

By the way, Putting yhat aside, how do you like your new apartment?

Anyway, in any case, the guests willarrive soon

We should get ready.

Before I forget, we are out of toilet paper. Can you run to the store?

Anyway, I`ll be in town until Friday. Call me if you`d like to get dinner?

Changing the subject, I heard that Big West Coffee is having a sale.

Shall we go?


News caster, Barbara and Dr. Downs are talking about UFO.

a And we are back. Today`s guest is astronomer Dr. Neil Downs. Welcome to the show.

b Thank you for having me, Kelly.

a Dr. Downs, let`s get straight to it. What is your view on UFOs? Are they real?

b Well, as you know, UFO means unidentified flying object. It simplly means they are unidentified.

a Right, but are they visitors from other planets?

How do you see it?

b We have no evidence of that.

a But personally, what do you think?

b Kelly, I really don`t know.

key sentence what is your view on UFOs?

What do you think? what is your take?

don`t you think so?

How do you see it? This apartment is too small for me. What do you think?

That guy looks just like Onishi-sensei. Don`t you think so?

To me, living close to downtown makes sense.

How do you see it?

I think I look good in this outfit. What do you think?


A palm reader and David are talking.

a Hi, are you a palm reader?

b That is what the sign says.

a Right, just checking. I`ve never been to a palm reader before.

b Yes, everyone says that when they come here.

a Can you guess what I do?

b I know what you do. You work in radio.

a How did you that. Ah, hang on a minute.

Before you go any further, I can only stay for fifteen minutes.

b That`s fine. I can do a quick reading.

a Thanks, this is going to be interesting!

key sentence hang on a minute.

Just a minute. wait a minute.

Before you go any further,..

Before you go movr on the next poin,..

Excuse  me, sorry to interrupt, but could I say somethinghere?

Can I just jump in for a second?

Do you mind if I say something here?

Hang on a minute. There is something I need to say before we continue.

Before you go any further, I have a small suggestion.

Do you mind if I add something here?

I have some firsthand experience I`d like to share.